Yes,if you put it that way
Basically making lot's of 1/1's and buffing them with so called Anthem effects ( All creatures get +1/+1) and so on
Not now, waiting for the full decklists
Ok i put together a G/W convoke budget deck myself, but i realized that my skills at building 60 card decks has suffered a lot since i startet playing commander :D, i think a lot of those choices could be better. I went on a anthem build for the tokens.
Sure it's already offically announced that there will be a cylce of mono colored commander decks this autumn
Yeah, Teferi is really strong with his -1! O.OGisa has potential, but i don't like zombie tribal in edh :D
do you want to keep this deck standard legal? And how much budget do you intend to put in this? I could try to make a W/G convoke deck myself and show it to you, i just need some information ;)
Yeah, there was one, first commander product ever if i remember corectly :)
Devouring Light would be nice to!
Like the idea with midnight guard, but i am not so keen on the lifegain plan. Cards like congregate or meditation puzzle are not good, (altough they might help agains aggro plans a bit) because they don't do anything, they just give you life and don't change the board situation, they just help you survive a turn or two. Just for the two ajani's pridemate i wouldn't add so much life gain (staffs and so on), you need more removal to mess mith your opponent (banishing light, pillar of light etc. stuff is cheap ^^)
The reason for that may be that there are not many commanders in this kind of colours, but with kaalia leading as the strongest of them ( in my opinion at least)
Looks nice, but instead of Talrands Invocation i would play another burnspell, maybe a Magmajet, because it has scry so you can put those nasty lands on the bottom of your library when you don't need them anymore. I think you should get enought Tokens with Talrand to block and so on. But i noticed you don't have any card draw at all, try Browbeat, it's a cheap burn/draw option and should get you some Cards in the late game and some dmg in turn 3 ;)
The purpose of this deck is spamming Tokens and getting prossh as soon as possible, then trying to Combo out with several Cards like Food Chain or attacking with the 0/1 Kobolds with a beastmaster ascention in play. Most Combos in this deck can hit all your oponents in a multiplayer game. The primordials and some other stuff are just there so you can interact with everybody on the field.
Some black shockduals would be nice to enable you to use the flesh out of flesh//blood. But all in all the deck looks really nice, it's truly gruul! :D