one word: OUCH!
that would be devastating, with 4 doubling season, and 4 parallel lives, one token drop will give 1024 tokens (if i did the math right).
very good worldfire deck
very nice, check out mine for standard.
one word: Extinction. Use extinction and choose squirrels, and they all die. extinction does not target, and gives a nonsquirrel deck a way to deal combat damage or burn.
1 more stuffy doll and 3 more blasphemous act. I think it will work great.
not really. most search is black.
I would put them in but this deck was built on a budget, and I couldn't afford 4 of them.
rain of Filth is no good in this deck from what i can tell. i'd put an Elixir of Immortality for recovery, and it would work fine i think.
yeah, but this is cards from one spare binder, not my others.
try adding stuff like norn's annex, if you are willing to pay life when burning with rage extractor, and dismember to get rid of bigger creature threats.
demonic tutor, because it is a diabolic tutor for half the cost.
other than that you have 6 full moon's rise when you can only have 4, great deck, looks like it will work very well.
Looks like a good way to piss of anyone. Great job.
funny thing is, this deck works in reality.
metamorph comes back because it is turned into a artifact copy of relic warder, and exiles self. when it leaves play it comes back as if it was played from your hand. you need 1 life gainer, 1 relic warder, and 1 metamorph, i ran this in 5 tournies and won 4 of them with this strategy.