please comment for suggestions...been a work in progress for a long time...thanks
help me please...seems to be lacking something
Let me know what you guys think...suggestions highly wanted
whats in the red version? i feel that offers u moore options
maybe remove the red and blue creatre for some mix colored specters nightveil, blazing specter, or Sedraxis Specter
side boarded commerce added bluster squall...thanks for that i didnt catch it at first
yea thru and give mine that ya commented on some looking for some love
hey...didnt you comment an another deck of mine? lol
drop the Bloodchief Ascension and Liliana's Caress to two a piece and replace it with two consult the necro sages and two of the rack and maybe consider Pain Magnification
yea man no problem
side boarded your suggestions thanks man
im going for shoeldred forr late not too fond of the gatekeeper because it makes yourself sack a creature as well am im tryin to let mine get on the bigger side
thanks...gonna make that swap....i put this together in like 5 min
ok...thank you...still scary
what do you think i should i but in the place of the grave pact? i feel ya that its not really to important in this deck. and i know about the comsume spirit but i tend to play with friends usually in a 4 way free for all so i like to be able to affect all of em
let me know what yall think to suggestions on card swaps and the general idea...thanks
i have 2 of em in here...seems question i have with it though is does the opponent get to see the card as its being played or after they choose a number?
people have been saying that legions not all that great but in the event of a board wipe id rather have to start again with pumping them up over starting to create a creature base all over again
let me know what yall think
sweet man inspired me to make my own choice deck...check it out please :]
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