Ah, okay.. that does make a bit more sense. I dropped out of MTG for many years so don't recognize them as "old" cards, hence my confusion.Are you able to make any suggestions for replacement to make the deck Standard compatible?I've had a quick scan for other artifact equipment, but nothing really has a similar impact that I have found..
Thanks Victor!
I am intrigued as to how this might play. There seems to be a lot of high cost creatures and little land.You have the means to play extra lands but have side-boarded the only visible means of drawing extra land .It looks like a fast deck would hurt you badly.How do you play it?
We were all quite competitive back around 1998-2001 (hence the age of cards in this deck), attending various competitions around the country, but it became quite expensive to stay competitive and girlfriends/wives became an issue in both time and money. I stopped playing entirely until quite recently.Even when/if the deck does get reliably beaten, I think i'll just take it on the chin. Allow them to bask in their glory and leave the deck unaltered. I have other decks, some are even modern and its fun to throw an old throwback into the mix every now and then.
Actually, I've personally found that I learn a lot more about my decks in explaining how to play them to others, than I often do from just playing them myself. I tend to assume a lot for myself, but am more analytical when I'm aware that my thought process will be scrutinized by others. It's been really helpful to me, in building decks.
Oh, it's not that I always play it, I do have plenty of decks, its just that they particularly hate playing against this one!I see where you are going with that build, but Robe of Mirrors has potential removal of the crab covered, assuming i get it in play of course. The fact that Horseshoe Crab can be activated and then untapped as many times as you have islands in play each turn, makes me reluctant to have any land other than islands in the deck. This machine gun effect with Hermetic Study keeps the battlefield clear of opposing creatures once Sigil of sleep is also in play.
Wow!, Your opponent will never know what hit him/her!
Okay, sorry.. I misunderstood.I see what you are getting at now, But i'm not entirely convinced that it needs the green cards.Admittedly, I don't play the deck often. My friends don't allow me to play it against them anymore, so I only get the opportunity to play it against people who haven't yet seen it!I'm curious as to what you would drop in favour of the green cards?What would you drop in favour of the extra lands needed for a two colour deck?
Once you get Sigil of Sleep in on the combo, you can focus entirely on the player, so:- X: Horseshoe Crab deal X+1 to target player. Return X+1 creatures target player controls from the battlefield to owners hand. I tend not to play Curiosity on the crab, but rather on the other pinger's for fear of self milling!
Thanks, That's an interesting tip on Psionic Gift (Not heard of that one but i did drop out of magic for nearly 15 years!)I'm not too worried about killing big creatures, as they end up back in the opponents hand and have to be re-cast using lots of mana, then sent straight back to their hand again on my next turn. If You have arcane study out, they can only cast one spell per turn anyway. As for 5 of each card.. have the rules changed there? I thought only 4 of any one type were allowed?
Ah, Thanks for that info ( and the name correction on the collections). That's a bit of a bummer if they are including those cards in boosters and they cant be used in Standard. Feels like padding out the pack.I don't play in competitions these days myself, but do like to stay contemporary, so that's a shame. Will have to rethink the swords perhaps. Having played the deck, it really doesn't need any burn, and a static +1/+1 to my mind, doesn't justify diluting the mana stream.Also, the Mimic, while a nice idea, even if it pretends to be a Dwarf, just isn't one, so wouldn't pass inspection. (I'm a bit anal about my Dwarves!)I appreciate your input though, and its nice to see that you grasped the idea behind the deck.
Well, I've added another deck. I will look at, and give my opinions on other decks too.
I rarely bother publishing decks now. I do have brief descriptions and "how to play" sections but have yet to receive a comment. I've got to the point where i use the site as a deck building tool for myself only. I had assumed that the site had no community at all. As the OP felt the need to post this deck, I guess I was right.