That is nice, What do you think i should swap for a couple?
I like Seething Song because with it i can play my hold hand basically winch is fun
not big on draw but i do likes tutor's, i'll put 2 in thanks
hmm ok i liked snake form bc of the creatures with really annoying abilities, i'll move it to SB. Thanks
Prison Term and Ghostly Prison look good for this deck
Wow that nice, what do you suggest i swap for him?
want to make it mono colored thank you
ya dd decks will crush this but i'm ok with that, just trying to make solid control deck that works most of the time, every deck will have a weakness. Thank You
Thanks. got 4 ball lightning they get buried at end of turn, know any good long game burn deck creatures? thank you
i like this deck, but i think there are to many lands make it 20, dark ritual is really helpful
lol twilight fans...
i like this control deck alot
Reiver Demon can be helpful
wow i really really like this
wow that is awesome i never knew about that card. Thank You
Looks like a good burn deck for a semi long game, for a rely fast win seems somewhat slow, check out my burn deck it works fast but not slow.
did have heedless one but took them out for renegade leader, that is my main win condition and elvish prominades looks sweet what do you suggest i swap it in for?. Thanks for the suggestion
what do you think i should substitute them for?
Trepanation Blade and Invisible Stalker can be handy
look at other decks and get ideas, i have no clue what you are trying to do here.
1-20 of 27 items