Black Blue Green Tezzeret

by doko on 02 February 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (2)

Artifacts (3)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

died hardcore to any sort of ramp, retesting

Deck Tags

  • Experimental

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 535 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Black Blue Green Tezzeret


I love this card, it stops counter magic and more importantly tells how aggressively you can play.
I like playing aggressive. It also kills jace...more importantly it kills tezzeret in a mirror. I love that.
So, playing more duress and taking out grim discovery (which felt like it was too slow for us) and seeing how that goes.


I've decided that vamp hexmage is not fitted for SB, and is covered with Revoker due to the metagame
Wondering how much hate is needed for valakut
-Is memoricide enough?
-does SoBaM nerf them effectively?
-how does revoker work against them?

Loving the way darksteel plate says "F you" to half of the removal in the format, jace bounce makes me sad, but revoker is cool enough to be maindeck for that reason. Jace hasn't been a problem with so many maindeck counters

Current Works
-Still requires actual playtesting (currently only theory craft)
-Testing interaction between tezzeret and darksteel plate, looks promising
-Slowish Metagame, curious at how this deck will hold vs Vala-gayness
-Tempted to put revoker main deck over something (ratchet bomb1, surveyor possibly)
--with the events of pro tour paris, very tempted
-side board is mostly tentative, no idea how this deck goes vs most matchups

-Feels like it needs more early game creature defense
--More removal, possibly
--Maybe the 0/6 wall with reach for 2 (yay for prisms being MVP, no idea what we'd use reach for, but /meh)
-Feels like the deck has too many 3rd turn drops, which skews the curve

Posted 16 February 2011 at 15:51


Black/Red/Blue-Artifact Control version 2.2

Found that duress requires too much black mana available early game which the current land base cannot provide. (Q_Q), may revamp the entire land base to support this later, as duress is a very strong card currently.

Testing out Darksteel Axe on turn 1, may lower # of darksteel plates in deck. Prone to testing.

Posted 18 February 2011 at 11:18


Black/Red/Blue-Artifact Control version 2.3

301.5c An Equipment that’s also a creature can’t equip a creature. An Equipment that loses the
subtype “Equipment” can’t equip a creature. An Equipment can’t equip itself. An Equipment
that equips an illegal or nonexistent permanent becomes unattached from that permanent but
remains on the battlefield. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)

Massive Sad Face
-this effectively 'kills' the creature based version of this deck. Inde creatures are cool, but... I can't justify darksteel armor anymore. The axe might fit, but that is prone to testing.
-deck suggested revisions put on hold for now.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 13:46


Blue/Black/Green-Artifact tempo v2.4

Still a bit clunky, but I'm tempted to make this work so the deck I end up running isn't a copy (looking at you french pro tour players! haha)
Disappointing though, made a carbon copy of his deck without trying or attempting to do by only a 5ish cards (I ran more gal blasts and less over priced pyroclasms, in addition to more ratchet bombs)

Posted 20 February 2011 at 15:45


Black Blue Green-BUG
Wow, who knew that removing GLISSA would make the deck run better? Removing Glissa, a strong and powerful card that likes artifacts in green/black, would make a blue/green/black artifact deck run better.

Thats messed up.

Might take out 1 ezuri's for an artifact, I like the way this plays.
-edit- Haha, better. Ancient Stirrings, I'm an idiot.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 21:50


And pilgrim's eye is gone
we're playing 8 scry-for-land early game, scry-for-creatures late game effects
we don't need a 1/1 flyer for 3, sadly ='(. It 'can' block, but other things simply do that better.

Like etched champion, who does a great job...and doesn't afraid of anything. Trying him out for now.

Posted 23 February 2011 at 12:13


Etched is interesting, its a really cool blocker and it can poke like a boss.
However it can't smash like a boss, protection is odd as it prevents tezz's buff ability.
Might change it for darksteel axe, but I do like the fact that this is an early creature.
Possibility of adding early removal (likely doomblades)

Posted 27 February 2011 at 11:03


2.7 continued
I built this yesterday, its awesome. So far only testing has been fishbowling, but it seems very solid/consistent. Way consistent. Might add a sphere, take out a prism. Might add a land somewhere, but there are land heavy hands and land needy hands - I likely just need to shuffle more.

So, more playtesting to see how it goes. Oh, originally just making notes for me. I didn't expect people to like/look at this list at all. Feel free to give your input.

Posted 02 March 2011 at 14:16
