My Dragon Broodmother / Eldrazi Spawn Deck
Thanks for the comment! I have been playing it more and more, and I'm not liking emrakuls hatcher as much as I first thought. By the time he's out, it's not worth it to have those extra spawns. Birds of paradise make sense to push out the mana quicker though. As for crucible of fire.....I just kept it in, because if, for some reason, I don't have an awakening zone, parallel lives, or doubling season out. I'd still want my dragons to be scary. Hahahaha. Thanks again!
Hi! Thanks for the comment. I've used it a few times with eldrazi decks, but I found out it really only helped getting out Hand Of Emrakuls out. However, I do have a few decks with the e-spawns being used with urza's lands, and cheat cards like elvish piper and quicksilver amulet. Here it is if you wanted to check it out: Thanks again.
No prob. Thanks for checking it out
Nice deck. I've been looking more and more at doing a werewolf deck, but haven't gotten down the strategy I want yet. But this is nice. I agree, that it was a good move to put in copperline gorges and rootbound crags. Nice job.
Thanks for the comment. I keep flip flopping between Overrun and Overwhelming Stampede. I've chosen to stick with Overrun in case I don't have any boosted creatures and just have a crap load of eldrazi spawn. But, I do keep switching between them. Cause as soon as I get out a boosted dragon, overwhelming stampede is a lot better.
Thanks for the comment. Will check out your deck shortly.
106 cards? My deck is 60 cards. Maybe you were looking at the # of likes before you posted?
Thanks for the comments! I tried running pyretic rituals with seething song a couple times, but I could barely ever get them together. I prefer seething song over pyretic ritual, and I think over geosurge. At least for this deck. With that being said, Warstorm Surge is a brilliant addition. I've got to figure what I'm taking out, but it'll work well with boosted eldrazi spawn too. I'm going to toss it into the fake sideboard I have now and figure out what to do with it. Thanks for that!
Thanks for the comment! Yeah, when I play test it, I try modifying the numbers of what I've gotten in there and swapping out some cards with my "sideboard" cards.....So far, this one has worked consistantly for me, but you're right. There are improvements that can be made to it. Just gotta test it some more.
Yeah I keep playing this deck with subtle variations (you know, trying to get it consistantly better), and asceticism is pretty damn good. That's why my sideboard is only 4 cards, because those are the ones I tinker with.... Thanks for the comment!
Edited it a bit, what do you think? I tossed the two gold dragons into the "sideboard" because I didn't have it in my heart to trash em from the deck completely. Barely anyone plays them!
Not a bad looking deck. I'm still debating trying to make a werewolf deck myself, as I don't have the full mechanics down yet, but this is definitely helping me out. Good job!
Hahaha, yeah, I was thinking of putting in lot's of dragons for the kilnmouth......but after a few sample draws, I started getting a headache. I like the idea of whipflares, pristine talismans, and bsz's. More land even with the pristing talismans, seething songs, and dark rituals though? The only reason I tossed in blightdragon, was because no one was representing the black dragons.......but I agree, he doesn't belong in this deck. Anyways, back to the drawing board....or revising board I guess
Oh and I'll check out your deck soon.
I was thinking originally goblin/dragon deck because of the voracious dragon, but I liked the e-spawns.....It seemed like I can get tons of em out consistantly. But yes, a goblin token dragon deck is very, very tempting.... Thanks!
I like the idea of adding Sarkhan Vol in, but I honestly wouldn't know what to take out.....I might just toss him into the "sideboard" for now until I decide what to do with him and those other cards. Thanks for the comment!
I was thinking overwhelming stampede would be good for when the big dragons tokens come out, but I stuck with Overrun in case all I have out is a crap load of eldrazi spawn with no real power. Thanks for the comment!
Nice deck. I'm a big fan of eldrazi spawn being used for early defense. I don't know what to reduce as you need the dragons in your hand to boost the kilnmouth, but maybe drop the dragonmaster outcasts for some more cards that produce eldrazi spawn like awakening zone, maybe a broodwarden to boost them a little, and maybe a seething song or two. But those might make it more of an e-spawn deck rather than dragon. I like it though.
Thanks for the comment. Yeah, that's a good point. I think I'll just put three doubling seasons and parallel lives in there......
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