Well Friday, I went 3-1-1 with the deck..Not too shabby. I think the sideboarding needs some more time with experience of what works vs. each deck and what doesn't. Rd 1. (1-2) Mono black Devotion- I lost the first game due to Desecration Demon. I sideboarded pithing needle for pack rat, and mutavault. Second game I won with 24 life in my total. The third game I finished with Celestial Flare sided in and forcing him to sack his D. Demon and Nightveil Specter. Unfortunately, I lost that game with him down to 3 life. Rd 2. (1-0-1) U/W/R Control- The first game he had no chance, and I swapped the game aggro like hell with my life untouched. Game 2, He sided in more removal and another Elspeth. No worries as Banishing light took care of that and he ran out of things to detention sphere, and sadly this game went down to the end of the clock as he milked the time and I just never got the draws necessary for the win. This round actually upset me as the player deliberately slow played the clock to ensure a tie. We had less than 2 mins left to even get the final game going.Rd 3. (2-1) Esper Control- First round I won with him having trouble dealing with my witchstalker loaded up with Boon Satyr, unflinching courage, and 2 Ethereal Armor. Second round I had to mulligan down to five and all the creatures I could get were removed by Thoughtseize and he had Aetherling Early in the game. Third game, mana come plentiful for me but that couldn't be said for my opponent. I hit the board with 3 Witchstalker and when he thoughtseized me all I had in my hand was the two loxodon smiter, and that allowed me to play one for free and win the game with 20 life remaining. Rd 4. (2-0) Rakdos Aggro- I barely survived the first game with 2 life with the first win. Second game I was able to Banishing light his only 2 creatures on the board and this paved the way to a turn 7 win.Rd 5. (2-1) W/G/B Ajani Junk- We had already decided to split the pot for the winnings, but when we played the whole 3 games, I won 2-0 and played a third game for fun and I lost that one with mana being slim for grabs.
I will post an update tonight after I play it in FNM at my local shop so I can let you know how it did.
Updated as of 5/7/2014
Recently adjusted!
No problem
Courser of Kruphix would be sweet in this one as well. It thins out your deck of lands and keeps the deck going..I would place a 3 of in this deck..2 main 1 sideboard
Made some suggestions..I think his land base needs to be more supportive to get that combo out faster. Secondly I told him the best thing to do is get more solid creature support so they can swing through.
It would be a great idea to change your land base a bit. I would highly suggest Temple of Plenty, Temple of Abandon, and Temple of Triumph X4 each . This would allow you to get your plays consistently because of scrying into your combo faster. Secondly your creature base, understanding what your intentions are with the deck have no gas to keep you, The Planeswalker, alive long enough to get it going. Supreme Verdict would kill you! Find some way to give your creatures some protection like Rootborn Defenses is a great sideboard option for it and finally I would suggest Cyclonic Rift to give your minions some evasion for damage to go to the opponent's head. Just a few thoughts.
Newly Adjusted Deck..Much more consistent and has a quick turnaround and answers to pesky larger creatures to give you a late game advantage if needed.
Sure, I am only a level 1 judge but I think I have some insight that would help..Lay it on me
One modification I recently made that is a SOLID answer to Blood Baron which is the only card it did not originally have an answer to is I cycled out the Glare of Heresy and put Celestial Flare x 2. That is the only modification I made to it. Thanks for the looks man. I am glad you like it!
not really worried about it. I can take care of that card. Played a person the other day with that card and they still got pummeled! I Just countered the spell the first time..the second time it was played I destroyed it with the onslaught of creatures that were already in play