Just some good exalted cards here: Battlegrace angel, rafiq the many, silent arbiter, and Cathedral of War
Really cool deck! Plus that anime is sooooo awesome!!!!!!
deck looks great but here are some good artifacts that you could add: Solemn Simulacrum, Cranial Plating, Metal Worker, Skullclamp or if you had a tolerian academy laying around lol
Grim lavamancer is a great card only 1 mana. Maybe flamebreak to wipe out enemy creatures. Chain lightning. Burst lightning (same thing as shock except better), fireblast. check out my burn deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=135563
Looks awesome, I really exalted (i have a bant exalted with knotvine paladin) maybe consider adding tainted strike? then you only need to do 10 dam and because your tormented soul is unblockable it might be easy to do.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=201274 A rage extractor deck for $7 :D
you could add tainted strike? then you only need to do 10 damage with infect...
Love the combo and once u get the combo out with suture priest u automatically win dealing infinite damage with hes ability! Thats awesome
god help us all.....
lol slivers are awesome and the backround to them are really cool check it out here http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/mr114
nice deck! i wud hate to play against this lol no changes this deck is amazing :)
since when is having 60 cards needed for a deck? having less cards means a better chance of getting the cards he wants. Other than that i dont see a need for might of the masses and u should have more groundswell its a good card. Maybe a instant that gives ur creature fear wud be good im sure theres a drop black instant that does (im not sure of the name though...) so they cant just block ur infect guy. otherwise cool deck
thx dude :)
honestly u dont really need the Talus Paladin, but maybe u could take 1 of them and only 3 ruined ghost? otherwise i like the deck the sphinx isnt a really good draw card but Sea Gate Loremaster is, myabe switch out a ruinied ghost or 2 for that? ur choice dude the deck looks good
Oh lol of course my bad about mind funeral. Lets see some possible options Talus Paladin, Jwari Shapeshifter. And i dont rlly see the point of plumeevil. U can also replace oblivion ring for fiend hunter from the new set
I think everyone know spellbreaker is a good card, kaim was just making a point that he didnt think it would fit into this deck he was just trying to be construcitve and HELP your deck, instead he is just getting shlt from bunch of other people anyways..... good deck i like it whether having spellbreaker or lightning bolt its all opinion both would fit the spot well
you should add martyr of sands :)
when you have Phyrexian Soulgorger's cumulative upkept can that trigger Diligent Farmhand or Llanowar Augur's abilty? still an awesome deck :)
I say take out emrakul and add ezuri renegade leader, because honestly i dont like the giant elderazi cards. Plus getting 10- 10/10 elfs is wayy better than some random elderazi
Cool deck, But i dont see the point of having the phantasmal dragon...i wud take them out and get some mill spells, archive trap is awesome, tramitize is too. and maybe mind funeral?
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