looks cool, wish i would of thought something like this up, Good Job! =D
This deck looks alright, but i think u should check out my Bant Allies deck. removal and maybe a little protection for them would serve well, like "Call to Heel". Also feel free to comment on it and make suggestions. here's link: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=72757 Enjoy!
Ornithopter is always good for ninja bro.
looks cool
sweet deck yo
it really was just a deck put together in like 20 mins because i looked at apocalypse hydra and i saw the illistration, and i liked the idea of it and i wanted to make a deck of humans and angels tht was white, soo iput this together. thx, i was thinking more angels tho.
Because it's Kamigawa set maybe? Just a thought, lol. Fav set and nice deck my friend. check out mine please.
Sidewinder Sliver over Plated Sliver SB Crystalline Sliver Maybe Sedge Sliver over Crypt Sliver, but you don't have many swamps. Also maybe Horned Sliver over Shifting Sliver You are also putting in AEther Vials if I am not mistaken which is a good choice imo
Holy shit, this shit is sweet! I really like this deck. I wanna make it, but i don't wanna jock u. u should check out my decks. EXAMPLE: http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=53881 Comments and suggestions would be nice. ~Dnt_Hat3
I really like the cycling and Hunting Grounds seems like it could be very useful. I have a similar deck but uses green and blue and plays more from the graveyard. Check it out when you get a chance http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=47777
Don't post as "Finished Deck" if its not finished.. Lol
Karn, Silver Golem is the win condition
Have you tested this deck? Is it good? How consistent?
What would you replace Necropotence with to make it Legacy Legal?
What is the win condition exactly?
Did you not see Form of the Dragon in there?
How fast is this deck? If you can survive for long enough to do it this deck looks like it would be sooo much fun to play lol Good Job +1
ummm... no offence, but i think the starter deck could rival this one... check out my U/R counter burn, tourniment quality deck. it's preety good, ive only lost once out of 8.
This deck looks good but 60 cards would make it a lot better for reasons I'm sure you are aware of.
Blood Crypt, Watery Grave, Steam Vents would all be nice in there. Some tri-lands might be nice sense you don't have any 1 drops. I would also say this deck looks kind of inconsistent, more multiples of 4 would be a lot better than multiples of 3. Finally how well does this deck fair in the first couple turns of a match? Because you don't have that many low costing creatures and that might be holding this deck back. Oh and you should cut down on your amount of blue mana because only the scythe and the Blood Tyrant require it. Hope that helps! Don't forget to also comment on my decks :)
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