
16 Decks, 27 Comments, 6 Reputation

Oh ok then I didn't even see the barbarian ring but I still think that you need to add in some legendary lands.

Posted 02 April 2013 at 14:48 as a comment on Land Grab


I like the idea of that but its pretty unlikely. I have more bombs for this deck but I havent added them yet this deck is still under constuction at the moment. But yes pox is alittle slow but ive already taken that out it was just a possiblity. And now that i do actually have more for this deck i dont think that i even need sinkhole anymore it was mainly used to slow down others so I could get what I needed.

Posted 01 April 2013 at 15:44 in reply to #337680 on reanimater(owned)


Cut Niblis of the Mist and Silverclaw Griffin cause they don't help a whole lot. Gisela is very nice but if you want to keep her in there you should consider mana ramps or Quicksilver Amulet in there. If you want to keep in Foundry Street Denizen I suggest Assemble the Legion.
If your looking for control toss curse of the Pierced Heart and add in more Arrest, put in more Detain ability, cut Foundry Street Denizen, Volcanic Geyser and Angels Mercy for burns and enchantments with some more Odrics, I think that will give you more of a control theme.
If your wanting a boros theme that's more of an agro type deck so cut everything with a 4+ mana cost unless you have some kind of mana ramp in there. Boros charms, More battalion like Boros Elite, Warmaid Infantry, Legionnaire Loyalist, Frontline Medic, Firefist striker and Firemane Avenger. Things with haste Skyknigt legionnaire.
Id love to help you more but Im not sure what you want this deck to be like.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 15:39 as a comment on Boros 2


Love the deck I can tell it has amazing synergy but cut Evolving Wilds and Terromorpic Expanse cause you have no basic lands..... you need some landfall creatures or something cause you have no driving force... at all... unless you plan to mill them out with Howling Mine :p.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 03:19 as a comment on Land Grab


I'm assuming Daggerdome Imp is what you put your extra counters on I think you need to put in Wandering Wolf to replace Holwgeist it cost less and has the same ability minus the undying. And replace Farseek in your sideboard with Rampant Growth it will allow you to choose a forest or swamp.

Posted 30 March 2013 at 16:19 as a comment on FUNDying


Elvish Archdruid- 1GG gives other elves +1/+1 and can tap it for one green mana per elf you control.

Posted 28 March 2013 at 02:27 as a comment on Infinite elf combo deck turn 3


Since your playing miracle look into Vanishment and Banishing Stroke for even more control.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 15:18 as a comment on Predictable Miracle


I don't know if you put this deck up for suggestions but I reeaally like these kinds of decks. My suggestions Songs of the Damned and Dance of the Dead.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 00:49 as a comment on I Hate Everything (plague)


cut out Captains Call for Gather the Townsfolk it will play off Champion of the Parish's ablitly with lower casting cost. Entreat the Angels, White Sun Zenith, Thraben Doomsayer are all execllent token spawners. Crusader of Odric plays of having large amounts of creatures if you do consider throwing in said spawners. Hope it helps :)

Posted 18 March 2013 at 23:59 as a comment on G/W +1/+1 Counters


Well if you want honesty decide if you really want it exalted or not. If you do then I suggest taking out Voice of Provinces, Call to serve, Palladium Myr, and Glint Hawk Idol for sure. Replace them with more exalted creautures. Take out angels mercy and replace it with the enchantment lifelink or Battlegrace Angel. Take out vassel of endless rest since this deck is mono colored. Cut Inspired charge it would be use in a deck with many attacking creatures rather than one. Cut 2 Pacifism since you have Oblivion Ring and Journy to Nowhere. That's all that I can really think of right now ,but I think it would be better to just take the exalted out. If you do decide to take out the exalted look into Angelic Wall to replace the Guardians of Akrasa. I hope it helps.

Posted 10 March 2013 at 20:23 as a comment on Personal White Deck at Home


Any ideas for mana ramps to get out army of the damned quickly

Posted 06 March 2013 at 16:30 as a comment on The Legion


Well I was going to tell you to add drain life untill i saw it in you sideboard ,so i really cant think of anything that could help. I just wanted to say congrats on the deck I really like it.

Posted 21 February 2013 at 01:58 as a comment on Livestrong Cycling


The first thing I would do is to find something to replace the Keyrunes. If your looking for haste look up Ferver and Traitorous Blood. Crippling Blight works well for your opponents defensive creatures. I hope that helps :)

Posted 21 February 2013 at 01:18 as a comment on Attack of the Rakdos


Thank you for the advice, and when i had said that this was a burn deck I simply meant that it felt more like a burn deck than a speed. My cards tend to run out quickly. Usually if i don't end up winning within a 3-5 turns i don't win.

Posted 04 February 2013 at 15:31 in reply to #321170 on Humanity revaults


You should get some corpse jack menaces to add to this ,along with hunger of the howl packs.

Posted 26 January 2013 at 16:09 as a comment on Golgari Help


A lot of your cards are low casting cost ,you should consider adding in some draw card spells.

Posted 26 January 2013 at 16:03 as a comment on Illusions


love the deck. I think you should get your hands on a vengeful pharaoh it seems like it might fit.

Posted 26 January 2013 at 15:58 as a comment on Zombie Domination


I have found that adding more cards with morbid and bloodthirst really help out a deck like this.

Posted 26 January 2013 at 15:47 as a comment on +1/+1 counters


For sideboards Id consider auramancers for decks that have a lot of destroy enchantment cards

Posted 25 January 2013 at 21:54 as a comment on Bant Auras
