
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

I like this deck. I actually made a deck of my own with pretty much the same premise as this. However, I put in a little splash of blue. Take away brink, Kor, and Blinding Mage (Brink for CMC, and the other two due to the fact that they won't be legal for much longer. Also, put sunblast angel on the sideboard along with Due Respect. (in case of those nasty zoo decks) IN Place I have Frost Breath, Turn to frog, mana leak, and Angelic Destiny for super amounts of control. The great thing is most of the spells you play (creature or not) are cmc 3 or less. Furthermore, you have a lot of control over who and when you kill ;) just an idea but so far its worked great. Mana leak works way to awesome for people who like to waste cards bringing back a creature i just killed from the graveyard. I also have divine offering on the sideboard in case anyone gets tricky with those boots!

Posted 20 August 2011 at 07:48 as a comment on tap to kill
