I hadn't really thought about it since I couldn't use it as a companion. Looking at it now, I think it'd be a little slow for something that can't be cast from the graveyard.
Excellent :D
I didn't mean to come off dismissive, sorry. I was just trying to explain my reasoning. Thanks for the suggestion though. :)
It's much harder to pull Jace from the graveyard, since the deck tends to dredge rather than draw. I find that the deck has some trouble just drawing a random card to go with maniac, which is why the immediate trigger of oracle has been better. I might just not be finding options to reliably take Jace out of the yard, because he would be pretty good if that could be done.
With how often the deck throws cards into the graveyard, I've found that Sidisi triggers pretty reliably. I've been testing various builds of this deck for a few years to try and get a deck that feels like modern dredge, and this is the closest I've found. Board wipes haven't seemed to be much of a problem and the combos have been pretty consistent. The oracle is basically only there to get around things like glacial chasm/infinite life because those were problems which came up semi-consistently.