Thanks for the thoughts, I was just looking around aat fun deck ideas.
You should add a temple of the false god to the deck. Otherwise I think it's a neat deck to play with your friends casually. :)
That's true, however I would need to switch up the land base a bit for some colorless mana.
That's what I want to find out.
Ops originally wasnt going to add a second color, forgot to change it out! Thanks.
Lol I was too into the moment to realize
Thanks for the feedback, definitely implemented it, especially needed to for Aether Vial.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Is there a concept to the deck? The concept doesn't seem to work if there is one. Also how would you be able to cast your creature with Black mana sources? You probably should add a sideboard.
You should run Jace, Wielder of Mysteries as a secondary Laboratory Maniac just in case due to its passive ability.
I was considering to use it, some people recommended me to not use it in the past because it's too slow. However you make a point and I could at least sideboard them.
Fair point, someone recommended me to run it half and half. I wanted to get some looks and reviews to figure it out and get tips to make it better.
Fair enough... What would I replace it with though, swap one Gruul Spellbreaker for another Bloodbraid Elf? I think in this fast of a deck 4 would be too much. What are your thoughts?
Channel and Fireball. Thanks!
You might need a bit more creature removal, but not too much. I would say you could run Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshare as a creature removal. Otherwise I think it's a neat budget deck for EDH.
You could maybe try to combine your cards? However I don't know if you can do it with more than two. If you completely forgot your cards then you might need a new one. Lol.
Tylowrath, I remember you telling me you do tournaments a lot. What does your DCI stats look like now?
Nice mana curve, I think how the deck came about was quite interesting. You might be able to fit a Path to Exile or two in your sideboard with your budget of $225.
Thanks for the tip! I wasn't thinking of kolaghan's command when building it, but however got the idea for a different type of Rakdos deck after seeing your post on the Lyzolda EDH deck dknight27 posted.
Geez, my ideas were so basic, I almost forgot about those cards! xD
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