REVISED v.1.1Added: 2 Destructive Revelry, 1 Terrifying Presence, 1 Armed//Dangerous, 1 Evolving Wilds, 2 Gruul GuildgateRemoved: 2 Giant Growth, 2 Naturalize, 2 Mountain
REVISED v.1.2Removed: -2 Power Surge, -2 Shock, -1 Boros GuildgateAdded: +2 Vexing Arcanix, +1 Wrath of God, +2 Mountain
REVISED v.1.2Removed:-1 Spellheart Chimera, -2 Stymied HopesAdded: +2 Divination, +1 Jace, Architect of Thought
REVISED v.1.1Removed:-3 Rust Elemental, -3 Akroan HorseAdded:+2 Vexing Arcanix, +1 Witchbane Orb, +2 Soldevi Sentry, +1 Act of Treason, +1 Mountain, +1 Plains
REVISED v.1.1Removed:-1 Witches' Eye, -2 Pyrewild Shaman, -2 Ordeal of Purphoros, -1 Lost in a Labyrinth, -1 MountainAdded:+2 Prescient Chimera, +3 Stormcaller of Keranos, +1 Guttersnipe, +1 Island
REVISED v.1.1Removed: -1 Personal Sanctuary, -1 Wrath of GodAdded: +2 Magma Phoenix
Revised v.1.2REMOVED:-2 Heirs of Stromkirk-2 Markov Patrician-4 Quag Vampires-2 Vampire Interloper-3 Lightning Bolt-2 DisentombADDED:+4 Child of Night+4 Pillar of Flame+2 Rakdos Charm+2 Prowler's Helm+2 Deviant Glee+1 Sire of Insanity
REVISED v.2.5 ~ Minor tweak with a couple Theros cards.Added: +1 Energy Tap, +1 Shipbreaker Kraken, +2 Triton ShorethiefRemoved: -2 Merfolk of the Pearl TridentSideboarded: 1 Fathom Trawl, 1 Kraken's Eye
REVISED v.1.3: Tweaked a few times of the last couple months. Cumulative changes since the original include:Removed: -2 Hovermyr, -2 Myr Propogator, -1 Myrsmith, -2 Signal Pest, -2 Parasitic Implant, -2 Disintegrate, -2 Evolving WildsAdded: +1 Door to Nothingness, +2 Voltaic Key, +1 Override, +2 Fireball
REVISED v1.1:Removed: -1 Quillspike, -2 Power of FireAdded: +2 Quirion Dryad, +1 Tranquility
Done and done. First stab at Elves > Wurms @
Magma Phoenix in its own right is great as an early board-wipe. Or a win-condition with more than one on the board. For example Searing Spear your own Magma Phoenix, with another on the board that's 6 damage to all critters and players, which HURTS.I'd keep the Phoenixes and Goblin Arsonists, but swap out the other creatures for things with a direct damage element to them. Vexing Devil and Cinder Elemental immediately come to mind as such critters I've seen you play in another deck, but there's no shortage of other choices or 2 Furnace of Rath to multiply damage plus a couple Circle of Protection Red to protect yourself (since you've already splashed white) would also be nice additions to this deck as well....Just my 2 cents. :)
Gatherer and I have spent quite a bit of quality time together the last few days looking at my options for Wurm creatures and sorceries. Elves + Wurms is starting to look like a feasible combo, so we'll see if my fascination with the old school green stompies continues--If so, I may have to splash out on some singles.
Few suggestions based on the just the cards listed in your deck and sideboard:* Eliminate Dispeller's Capsule and Urgent Exorcism, go mono-black. These disenchant-like spells aren't valuable enough to take up precious space in an otherwise aggressive deck. (Bonus: Removing those 6 cards alone gets you down under 60 cards total.)* Remove the Daggerdrome Imp and Vampire Nighthawk. Normally I'd agree with the Nighthawk--it's a very efficient creature--however, if you're going to run rat-tribal, then run just rat-tribal (IMHO). Pack Rat is your central creature; every other card in the deck should support or build up to Pack Rat.* Too few land! If you were going to keep things as they are, I'd recommend adding at least 5 more basic land. However, since you're going to trim down to 60 cards and mono-black, aim for ~22 basic swamps. 4 Swarmyard (land) would be handy, but they're a tad pricey to buy as singles.
Now if only WoTC would release some Wurm-tribal love, the world would be a happier--stompier--place! :)
REVISED v.1.1:After a half-dozen games, remarkably the deck is holding up alright. No convincing wins admittedly, but able to bring opponents down to single-digit life and (thus far, at least) always the last one out in multi-player settings. Deadly Recluse, War Mammoth, Regenerate and Instill Energy are the decks work-horses, so what changes can I make to play up those features while maintaining the simplistic, stompy Timmy-noob vibe...Removed: -1 Elvish Scout, -1 Gaea's Liege, -2 Ghazban Ogre, -3 Nafs Asp, -1 Roughshod Mentor, -2 Whip Vine, -1 Desert TwisterAdded: +2 Ambush Viper, +2 Pathbreaker Wurm, +1 Scaled Wurm, +2 Wild Growth, +2 Natural End, +2 Blessings of Nature, +1 Prey UponSideboarded: 1 Kudzu. It was fun to play with--no one in my group had ever seen one before--however, it clashes with the Wild Growth I added. So, I'm conflicted. Keep it in the deck and say what the hell (a Timmy-noob would use it anyway), or eliminate it from the deck since it hurts me potentially more than an opponent.
Indeed. Pretty sure I'm going to get at least one WTF?! look during tomorrow's lunchtime game when I announce proudly that I'm paying 6 for a vanilla 6/4 (ye olde Craw Wurm) simply because it was--and remains--one of my favorite cards of all times.
Remarkably the deck is playing fairly well; nothing quite like the satisfaction of turning an opponents uber-dangerous attacker into a 1/1 then blocking with a tiny lizard. And Gilder Bairn + Plaxcaster Frogling have turned into a frickin' powerhouse once they start playing off one another.Alas, I can't help but think that I could do better still with a few card tweaks. I've since added Quirion Dryad and Tranquility to the sideboard (swapping for Power of Fire and a Quillspike). We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, I'm marking this deck "Unloved" for a bit of community advice. :)Requirements:** Deck's identity as based around "cute" lizards and frogs must be retained. ** Card suggestions should be under $1 ea (yes, I'm cheap!).
REVISED v.2.4 ~ Often stuck with Stormtide Leviathan in hand for too long; an earlier play would be more effective. Sea Scryer doing little for mana acceleration, replaced by High Tide enabling a turn 5 Leviathan rather than turn 7 or 8.Added: +2 High Tide. Removed: -2 Sea Scryer.
REVISED v.1.2: -2 Decimator Web, +2 Reprisal
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