Sad to say this deck isn't a legal edh deck. The commander has to be a legendary creature.
Good to know. New rules are always weird
I actually avoided using them. I hate those swords.
Poisonous, no matter how much damage a sliver does, only give 1 poison counter. IE, you swing for 5, hit with 3 between two creatures, and they both have poison 1, the get 2 poison counters.
Oh, wait. You're right. Excuse my derps, I am very tired. Long day.
I can't stand that damn thing. Even if it is a good card, angels piss me off to no end
I might just put talrand in. he's neat
Thanks for the reminder. I had meant to put the coat in
I don't plan to use this often. Also, I don't play to win, I play to have fun with the game. SHould look at my other EDH deck. That's the one I really need some help with.
already have magistrate
They work with the deck, and Dracogenius gives me draw, while also giving me a heavy hitter, and damage. Edit: Though, looking at guttersnipe, it would work well here. I thought it was something else.
No guttersnipe or nivmagus because I wanted to keep creatures low, and instants/sorcery high. Things like Epic Experiment and my commander will combo magnificently
Pooling venom is a bit too key for locking down lands, and doing damage. As for stab wound, it can kill the creature it attaches too. Those suggestions are also a bit too creature based. This needs to be more flexible, and not rely on creatures
Thank you.
Whoops. Sorry about that.
Try Blinkmoth urn, with Ancient Den, Great Furnace, Vault of whispers, Seat of the Synode, and Tree of Tales.