
20 Decks, 78 Comments, 0 Reputation

I'd drop the two torch slingers (which are awful in my opinion) for two burst lightnings. And demolish doesn't really fit. You need to have 60 cards. I would drop the seismics, and demolishes and two torch slingers for two more burst lightnings and a banefire... or two banfires and 1 burst lightning. Other than that... it looks a lot like my deck. Also, the deck should be faster than the valakut... so you may want to run just 2 valakuts and then put in 3 or 4 teetering peaks.

Posted 09 January 2010 at 09:37 as a comment on Goblin Superman


And I can't see how you could ever win by turn 3...? Turn 1 guide... turn two peaks on guide and a bolt... turn 3 ball lightning... that 3, 10, 18. Which is still good, but I want to be sure i'm not missing something that will get me a turn 3 win on my own deck.

Posted 07 January 2010 at 18:42 as a comment on Deck Challenge: Burn


I agree with sweetbrains. You need the shrines. They can go off turn 3 whereas you have to 4 R for appeal. I tried running 4 appeals in mine, but the shrines are much better.... my standard red deck can hit for 22 (20 of which is trample) on turn 4... and that was before the inclusion of plated geopedes. Takes a perfect hand, but it still wins by turn 5 normally.

Also, I would not run 24 lands in this... and i'd go Banefire over quenchable fire.

Posted 07 January 2010 at 18:27 as a comment on Deck Challenge: Burn



Posted 26 December 2009 at 00:30 as a comment on Discarding Hurts


I run only two chandras because I'm really not that worried about drawing her. That deck (when I get a perfect hand) can hit for 22 damage on turn 4... 20 of which is trample. She's there in case my deck gets slowed down. ie... if they drop a baneslayer on turn 5... chandra can kill it and still survive. Remember the deck you're building is trying to be faster than anything else out there. Chandra is nice, but not necessary. And I'm only running two of her because I couldn't think of anything else halfway decent that was worth putting in. I thought main boarding banefire instead... which is a possibility.

The teetering peaks is a beast in the deck. Yeah, it sucks that it comes into play tapped, but think of it with your geopede... landfall gives it a +2/+2 boost... then another +2/0 for teetering peaks' ability is pretty nice. swinging with a 6/4 first strike is decent on turn 3.

Posted 24 December 2009 at 20:27 as a comment on 3rd Degree Burn


Forgot to mention... you should definitely drop the seismic shudder for earthquake. A burn + board wipe is great. At it's worst it cost the same as seismic shutter and still does 1 damage to your opponent. late game, you can just use it as a burn.

Posted 24 December 2009 at 18:28 as a comment on 3rd Degree Burn


I would drop both valakuts and 2 mountains for 4 teetering peaks. Your valakuts can't go off before turn 6 and this deck should be winning by then. If it doesn't then things like baneslayer angel = you lose. I say this because this is pretty much exactly like my RDW deck. I'd drop punishing fire from your sideboard too. It is absolute crap. They have to gain life for you to buy it back and then pay another 2 for only two damage? It's just really bad in my opinion. Also, trade out the pyroclasm for volcanic fallouts. It's an uncounterable instant that hits your opponent for two also. Let me know what you think of my red deck.

+1 all-in-all, though.

Posted 24 December 2009 at 18:24 as a comment on 3rd Degree Burn


I would drop one dragon fodder for another assault. It's great fuel for your monument, so you want to be sure to drop one each game. The deck is so-so right now (but only because of where goblins are at right now). If the "goblin week" on wizards.com/magic was any indication, this deck will be much much better come february. You actually built the same deck I had in my head. Just waiting to see what new goblins come out in the new set before I decide how it will be built exactly. But I'm with you 100% on the inclusion of eldrazi.

Posted 23 December 2009 at 12:40 as a comment on GDW :)


how is this finished? Only 41 cards. The easiest thing to see is you need more lands and at least 3 nighthawks.

Posted 23 December 2009 at 12:37 as a comment on vamp army


lightning elemental sucks. Capricious also isn't very good. Drop the polymorphs entirely. They are useless in this deck. Shivan is ok. Drop clone. Drop 2 bolts (can only have 4 like mrgoodbytes said). Basically, there is no where to go with this. You only have polymorph and clone for blue which isn't worth it. Also, when you have sooooo much more of one color than another, you need to adjust your land base accordingly. Take a look at some decks on here and freshen up on the rules. Best of luck.

Posted 20 December 2009 at 11:49 as a comment on 01


since you're running 5 colors, you should absolutely be running maelstrom nexus. Easy on the enlisted wurms, I'd go to 2.

If I were you: Drop 1 deny reality, 2 enlisted wurms, 1 woolly thoctar (maybe not)

add: 3 or 4 maelstrom nexus.

I'm not trying to be rude at all, but I am wondering how you have not lost with this deck yet. If it's really working that well, then that's great, but I would imagine something like boros bushwhacker to be much too quick for it.

Posted 16 December 2009 at 19:33 as a comment on 5 colour Cascade KILLS.....


I would strongly recommend 4 quest for pure flame... I'd drop punishing fire for it pretty quick. That would absolutely finish jund off. Also, volcanic fallout out is great weenie control, uncounterable instant and hits for 2. I'd trade out pyroclasm for it.

Posted 16 December 2009 at 19:27 as a comment on Burn standard budget


I would drop 1 Mind Spring, 1 angelsong, and 1 garruk for 2 mark of asylum and another polymorph. Also, don't forget you can martial coup for 1WW so you can polymorph by turn 4. In all honesty, you may want to add in a couple brave the elements to keep your tokens or iona from getting burned (which mark of asylum really helps with) or pathed or terminated. My friend is attempting a similar build, but it is only W/U and runs spreading sees to disrupt his opponent a bit. Also, I would drop emeria, the sky ruin. I know you're ramping a bit, but the odds of getting out 7 plains in a tri-colored deck is not worth putting it in, in my opinion.

Please take a look at my deck, "The wilted, burning, path" and comment.

Posted 15 December 2009 at 08:25 as a comment on Iona Ramp 2


you've complicated your mana base for captured sunlight and woolly thoctar? You either need to naya or jund... this just makes it a little weaker than the standard jund and naya decks. I like the idea, but you're not able to take advantage of each archetype's strengths.

At the very least drop ground breaker for ball lightning, drop ram-gang, drop exotic orchard for rootbound crag, at the very least side board path to exile... right now a baneslayer angel is telling you "Thanks for coming, but you lose." Also, oblivion rings are always good for planeswalkers, creatures, etc.

I think this would help your deck out a lot. Please take a look at my take on Naya and leave your own comments.


Posted 14 December 2009 at 23:32 as a comment on Jundaya (Jund + Naya)


Think of it like this: if you have a card you think is good enough to put into your deck, then it should be good enough to put more than one in. This many one of's is going to make your deck inconsistent. Figure out which ones are must haves, and work on getting playsets of the important ones.

Posted 14 December 2009 at 23:20 as a comment on Burn deck


had to +1 it. Very nice.

Posted 13 December 2009 at 13:54 as a comment on the omega


I'm assuming this is running what you have because 1 of's are not a good idea usually unless it means you win when you draw it. So, put in 2 or 3 more Oracles. Put in more Elvish Visionary or lose the one you have. With your harrow and rampant growth and oracle, you need lotus cobra. Put in 2 more overrun since you have no trample. Put in 4 of the zendikar black/green fetch land to double trigger your landfalls. Put in 3 oran rief's to build your creatures. I would trade out the Llanowar elves for noble hierarchs since they produce green and are also giving your creatures exalted.

The deck gets really expensive to do all this, but it will hit harder and run faster this way.

Posted 13 December 2009 at 13:49 as a comment on Speed Up the Landfall *Comment Plz*


I'd get another nissa in there. I'd drop a Quest for the Gemblades for her.

Posted 12 December 2009 at 13:20 as a comment on Elf/Ally


Seems that you are keeping it standard... +1 for that. Now, I'm not sure what your funds are like, but this is what I recommend.

4 Goblin Guides
4 Warren Instigators
DROP THE PIKERS... they are terrible.
3 Goblin Ruinblaster (an easy and effective trade for piker)
4 Chieftains
Drop the punishin fire in exchange for Dragon Fodder. With one chieftain out, you're getting two 2/2 haster's for two mana.... not a bad deal.

Put in 2 Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle and 4 teetering peaks.
I would drop 1 kindled fury, 1 war paint, and 1 talons in exchange for Goblin Assault.
Then I would drop the Mountaineers for Siege-gang commanders.

Other than that, you've done just about all you can with standard goblins. I think when the next set, WorldWake, comes out... we're going to have a few more things to play with.

Posted 30 November 2009 at 17:50 as a comment on Goblin's(Someone please help/Comment)


That's true, but very unfortunately, Dolmen Gate isn't standard anymore.

Posted 30 November 2009 at 17:37 as a comment on The wilted, burning, path... Naya


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