I had Plague wind in this but didn't like it at all. I would always rather get a Reiver demon, Cacodemon, Decree of pain or just anything else. I found it too expensive and too narrow.Skirsdag is just BAD. I find that im never getting 3 or more creature including kiku and if I do its just a win more card. Otherwise its just a dead card that could be anything else that helps instead of a 1/2 that doesn't do anything 90% of the time. I wouldn't include it in this deck.
unfortunately there isnt such thing as fun in vintage and wont be until they ban blue from vintage. :(
what i mean by mainstream is mainstream for Gush decks. which typicaly go for either tendrils combo or they just use quirran dryads and dark confidants as there creatures; not tarmogoyfs, lotus cobras, and never ever fathom seer. though i admitt the jaces are very mainstream : /
the purpose of squee is to sac him to food chain to get an extra mana every turn.
aha your right
i dont see alot of creatures in the format i play, usualy the only creature i see is inkwell liviathan so goblin strike is a bit of a wasted card
elf ball is combo elves bro it isnt like regular elves. unlike regular elves in this deck you dont mass elves then overun over the course of a 5-ish turns. with this deck you combo out (usualy within the first 2 or 3 turns, tho with some decks simaliar with this you can do it turn 1), typicaly drawing your deck until you get the game winning card, which is either chord of calling (for predator dragon, so you can swing for lethal in the air by sacrificing your elves) or by playing mirror entity and making all your elves infinite / infinites. the verdant catacombs are in there to thin out the deck so you dont draw more lands (usualy 2 is more than enough lands for this to win). and the horison canopies are to play mirror entity, or if i need more draw, sacrifice them to draw cards. the concept may not seem as effective as merely massing elves, overun, then swing. but believe it or not this one of the fastest and most efficient and effective elf decks you can make. just a few years ago it was dominating extended as people were doing turn 2 wins. if you dont beleive me build the deck for yourself its fairly cheap to make.
gigantiform isnt a creature tho. im going for rather cheap but good infect creatures (with exception to putrefax and corpse cur, putrefax is a game end'er / winner and corpse cur keeps the presure if they kill my infect creatures and if one of them wasnt in my deck the other wouldnt be) and then buffing them up when they arent blocked (which they usualy arent until the person is gonna get 7+ posion counters from my experience, idk why but people dont expect to die when they have 6 or less counters on them even when theres untapped forests in play). thing is about hand of praetors is that hes only good if you have other infect creatures either in play or in your hand and you have to wait til at least turn 4 to play him, and then he (hand) probably gonna be a blocker instead of a creature being swinging and getting posion counters in, cause you dont want to lose a lord. idk, i find him extremely slow and extremely bad as a lord. and suprisingly i dont find gigantiform slow or bad, by turn 5 when i cast it either i win the game or the opponent loses most of his/ her creatures trying to block the enchanted creature (and keep from dying) or (this rarely happens) the opponent wastes a few spells trying to deal with it. those are things that hand of praetors just doesnt do anything close to even with a 1 turn head start compared to gigantiform. the best case scenario i can think of with hand of praetors requires it and at least 3 other infect cards to do the same as simply gigantiform and an infect card which is does the same thing and its easier to pull off. idk, thats my logic and what iv experienced
why would i replace verdant catacombs with teramorphic expanse? it does save me life but it slows me down, since the land comes into play tapped (the reason why its a common and verdant catacombs is a rare). so far from what iv seen i havent seen much mass creature decks in standard expect for the "soul sister" deck, and even then i havent seen much of them so idk how they would do against this deck. if i see enough of them then il put in infest into the sideboard instead of a wall (wall only slows down 1 creature and doesnt deal with mass creatures like ur talking about).
iv thought of adding the infect lord, but im going for a quick kill with this infect deck, and i think the lord is rather slow. tangle angler would be good with gigantiform, but idk like with the lord i think hes slow.
um, id run 4 of each. id tried and get your deck to be running 20-20-20. 20 creatures, 20 lands, 20 noncreature spells. that being said id take out lightweilder paladin, youthful knight, moth. id get 4 knight of the white orchids, and id run a bit more titans. maybe put in hand of honor? (cant remember if its a knight or not) as for the non creature spells it depends on what ppl r playing. if ppl r playing lots of creatures then sunlance, wrath of god/day of judgment, etc. if they are playing artifacts then null rods, seal of cleansing, disenchant, etc.
asumming its legacy / vintage. take out holy strength, moth, youthful knight and a few other cards. get the deck down to 60 cards. for sure keep in knight exemplar, honor the pure, white knight, day of judgment. put in kinsbaile cavalier. null rods, tariff.
uh which format is this supposed to be for? im assuming standard, but i see several cards that arent even in extended. cant rly help til i know the format :(
hm, interesting deck list. first time iv seen a u/w deck that isnt outragiously expensive. looks pretty good over all. id take out the redirects and possibly something else for rite of replications, since redirect from what iv seen doesnt seem that relivent unless your facing a channel fireball deck, and cause it never hurts to be able to get 5 copies of a creature (especialy if its a titan)
ah, demigod... been a while since iv seen him played. realy brings back memories. anyways. the deck seems alright, considering the cost to make it. however dread returning demigod isnt the most efficient way of using him (cause it only gets 1 demigod instead of a possible 4), and connoiseur isnt the best way of getting him into your graveyard, hes too expensive to play. might i recomend looking into buried alive, intuition, insidious dreams, living death, sickening dreams. they are typicaly the best way to use with demigod.
id add vampire nighthawks and take out guul draz vampire. id also add some gatekeeper of malakirs main deck. id also put the removal you have sideboard into the maindeck hm.. idk what else to do atm.
agreed, ever since last time at FNM when i use it 3 times (not in the same game) when i got 5 baneslayers, 5 grave titans (and 10 tokens), and 5 nighthawks. in each of the games the face on my opponent as i did this was priceless :) so RITE OF REPLICATION ALL THE WAY
o.0 im rly curious as to how this would do in constructed,
too many one ofs man, if ur gonna runs goblins run warchiefs, piledrivers, mad aunties, etc. look at my goblin deck for ideas http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32206
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