I moved the Dryads off to the Sideboard along with O-rings, Rifts and Detention Spheres.
No Shrine of Loyal Legions?
I've never had an issue with Day or Black Sun's Zenith at my store.
Ah, they'll be rotating out in October. But I can understand what you're saying. Cathar's Crusade would probably be a good addition, as would Gather the Townsfolk
If you have Mirrodin cards Accorder Paladin and Hero of Bladehold or Mirran Crusader could probably be put in there.
Like I said, its just with Mirrodin block shifted out, not M12, but if O-ring doesn't make it back I'll add something else. Plenty of other nice things in AVR to use (Or even M13 no idea with that though.)
Yeah I didn't have metalcraft so I didn't see a reason to use Galvanics over the shocks I had on hand. Psychic barriers might be a nice sideboard to replace negates if they happen to be casting fatties as opposed to something else. The deck is still very much a work in progress, but I'm not able to get criticism if its not placed under "Finished".
Yeah I did, any thoughts on where to put them in place of? Immediately thought of the Pilgrim Though I do like the mana ramp from them.