This looks like it might be fun. I wasn't aware of how many phoenix's there were. If I had any recommendations for it, it would be that I'm not sure I understand the utility of fireball. Rolling Thunder seems much better on all levels. Also, Braid of Fire seems to be a little known enchantment by people. I might try to find some place for a couple of those. I understand they didn't seem too great before, but from my understanding mana burning yourself has been done away with, so an enchantment that has a cumulative upkeep of adding mana to your pool seems overpowered. It'd make it much easier to play this deck because of the monocoloredness, also would give you much more ammo for rolling thunders and fanning the flames
I have a similar deck, you might wanna consider some of the cards I have in it. I will definitely find room for Trygon predators, voidslimes, and plaxcaster froglings from yours to put in mine. Originally mine was a blue/green snake deck. You might wanna consider throwing in some sakura tribe scouts and some simic growth chambers. I also have a couple of capsizes in there, with counterspells and mystic snakes. Rhystic studies are nice for drawing, because early on, almost noone I play with pays the 1 mana to prevent draw so you get a huge card advantage, and with a tribe scout out, you can lay your lands. I usually can tap for 6 or 7 by turn 4. You can usually have enough mana to control someone heavily very early. Also take advantage of momir vig. Unless I'm mistaken, if you play a blue/green creature it activates both of his abilities, so again unless I'm mistaken, you can search for a creature, then basically put it in your hand. The last thing I'd suggest is murkfiend liege's and Guiles. With the liege, you can attack all out if you want, then untap your creatures on your opponents untap step. With guile, being able to play your opponents spells after you counter them is just plain nasty. Sorry for the drawn out comment, hope it's insightful