So if i understand the mechanics correctly, you can use executioners capsule and then transmute it to you hand and back into play before you ever have to sacrifice it?
What happened to metalurgeon?
Mortivore is in 10th & therefore legal in standard...... But spectre may be a better card for this deck
Somone should point out that this is agonizingly difficult to see at a glance, try using 4x and 3x instead of the card name 4 times
Eww i didn't mean to save this deck yet lol
I suppose he helps make that final push for the win. He also keeps your ass alive if someone has your life total low, Fling a Nyx at them to do 7 damage and gain 7 life! Seriously though, the more I think about it the more I think MORTIVORE is perfect for this deck. What do you guys think?
Even with the Llanowar Elves I think you should be running 24 mana, unless you want to swap bloom tender or druid of the anima in. I didn't find godspeaker all that useful in my Naya deck but perhaps you have had better luck with him. Cards I like for naya: Giant Growth, rampant growth.
jitte is broken :(
Yup, now I wish I'd kept my big mouth shut. Shepherd is a perfect fit for this deck lol. End of conversation, no reply necessary.
Perhaps I don't know the card well enough but I think you could find something more effective than the shepherd? I don't have very much experience with control decks at this point so I will leave it at that. Ahhh wrath of god + persist. I'm going to leave the above comment to remind me of my failure as a magic player. Lol Shepherd still seems rather expensive for what he gives, are there no other big creatures with persist?
Thumbs up, looks more consistent with the new mana base....quite a steep mana curve as I mentioned previously.....your really not going until turn 4.....should be ok in standard but you may want to consider filling that void.....You have lots of removal at turn 3 but I still feel like you need something to do on turn 2. How much do you like broken ambitions? Its my least favoirte card in your deck..... However I gave you the big ol thumbs up because I like where your going with this.
I think I agree with Jahal, my personal prefference would be blightning over sceptre but thats just one mans opinion, thumbs up!
Dealing with walkers is something every deck has to address these days, and typically its not a very difficult feat....but dealing with walker after walker after walker......its intimidating and i'm sure frustrating. Every planeswalker impacts the game significantly and once you get your mana base up your opponent has to deal with a walker almost every turn thereafter. On a side note, your side board looks like it should help in dealing with faeries?Shusher is a great card and I threw cryoclasm into the sideboard on my deck just because 3 of the guys I play regularily have faerie decks they run every odd week.
P.S. sorry to sully the comment wall on your deck Magicman, lol just had to get my 10 cents worth (2 cents for each of my 5 comments)
Ajani is a proactive control walker, he can lock something down or burn a card. Elspeth is reactive....she keeps your ass and hers alive long enough to win the game. Seems like a play style choice to me.
Note: Ajani is spectacular althought I haven't had enough time to play Elspeth to decide if I liker her better. Ajani's only real weakness or vulnerability is the same as that of all walkers, Burn spells and O' Rings
Brion wasn't in this deck last time I looked was he? I love the card, probably my 2nd favorite card after ajani vengant. I ran a RGW Naya deck when alara first dropped with both of those cards. But.....I can't see him being overly useful in this deck.....? 4/4 Liflink for 4 is good.....but can you take advantage of his ability? except maybe with the tidehollow scullers.....I don't think I would be able to justify throwing a figure....maybe a Nyxathid if you played him early just to get something on the board? Just a thought, I think you may be able to find something a little more cohesive with the rest of the deck...... On that note how is figure working? Its nice to have something small to play early when your playing discard/control and being able to pump him means hes effective later in the game as well I think he is a good choice. What about having Mortivore in a deck like this....chances are the opponent will be putting alot of creatures in the graveyard.....
Have you had a chance to play this against some of the different archetypes or is this stricly a hypothetical monster? Please check out red white burns
I also worry about the mana base of this deck at a glance, on a budget or not i'm used to seeing 24+ lands in a control style deck. Can you get more ajani's or is that a budget thing? I like to run 3 to make sure I see one every game. You seem to have alot of creatures with high casting costs.....i understand why you wouldn't want come into play tapped lands......but I will suggest again more mana sources with your mana curve so high. What about something as simple as druid of the anima or a couple Bloom tenders so that you have some early mana accelleration and a way to get all your colors by turn 3 instead of turn 5, not to mention its a good chump blocker down the road if need be
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