
3 Decks, 36 Comments, 5 Reputation

with only 2 fogs the odds of having one when you really need it are pretty slim anywayz so i would definatly rip them out. You could replace them with amost anything that will complement the creatures you have. If you get a few more tramplers in there, then even 2 more primal bellow's would come in handy. It reallly doesnt matter what you sub in as long as it combo's well with a majority of your creatures. I would also look at the chord of calling as it is a very cool card but having only 1 seems like a waste, either add more in or take it out and replace it another quietes spike as having only 1 means you will have to generally "sell your soul" to be able to draw it when needed.

Posted 29 February 2012 at 02:43 as a comment on My First Deck--Any Advice?


i reckon you could use a few Dawntreader Elk's for getting a few more lands. they are cheap to play/buy and you might be able to do some damage before sacrificing him for a land. If drawn later in the game he could also be combo'd with your overwhelming stampede etc. also, id probably rip the 2 fogs out as your deck is largely creature based/aggressive so i think you throw in a couple more enchantments/instants to beef your guys up a bit more

Posted 28 February 2012 at 01:01 as a comment on My First Deck--Any Advice?


I think you have to much variety with your creatures, if you want to make it more consistant i would cut the variety by approx half and then have multiples of the creatures selected. Have a good look at all the creatures/enchantments you have and see which ones combo/ work well together early and late in the game. since you are playing lure, i would try and get a few cheap creatures with death touch , the ambush viper is cool and isnt expensive to cast or to buy. i would probably get some more shapeshifters as well as they give you alot of flexibility in attack and defence. finally, if you want to play alot of the heavy hitters, you will need to get a heap of extra mana sources( either lanowar elves) or spells that let you play additional lands.

Posted 27 February 2012 at 06:03 as a comment on My First Deck--Any Advice?


i like what you are foing with the deck, but with so many low cost/one drops you really ned to get some more card drawing power in there. i would probably sub out Hero of ox for some mentors of the meek and maybe get a couple of executioners hoods in there for the intimidation factor as quite a few of your guys benifit from doing damage to your opponent

Posted 27 February 2012 at 04:59 as a comment on W/R aggro


After further examining the deck, ive come to the conclusion that alot of the cards are wasted, what you need is some clones, back from the brinks and some quicksilver gargantuans combined with some nim deathmantles so stormcrow can reach his full potential when he isnt banned of course lol

Posted 27 February 2012 at 04:44 as a comment on THE GREATEST DECK EVER (I BROKE MAGIC!)


judging by all the feedback, i guess i have underestimated the mighty storm crow. In saying that, this must be a seasonal deck though as "Storm crow departing, summer is starting" clearly indicates he isnt available during the warmer months lol

Posted 27 February 2012 at 02:13 as a comment on THE GREATEST DECK EVER (I BROKE MAGIC!)


i cant believe you dont have any champions drakes! with that much leveling up going on you could easily be scoring yaself 4/4 flying for 2 mana. Also, if your not trying to keep it standard, how about a couple of high tides for a cheap mana boost??

Posted 09 February 2012 at 01:58 as a comment on Level Up 2!


i like the idea of the deck however i think you should get rid of white and make it mono black as having white in there for 3 mentors and a couple of divine reconings (which is basically creature removal) seems like a bit of a waste. Instead of the drawing ability you could sub in more creatures based around card discarding which would work well with gravepurge for you and sangromancer if targeting an opponent. Also, you should invest in a couple of Myr Superions as they dont cost a thing when hearltess summoning is in effect.

Posted 09 February 2012 at 01:44 as a comment on Heartless Sacrifice


Nice little deck you have here, first thing i would do is sub out the 2 swords and replace them with blade of blood chief as you could have it equiped to a vamp by turn 2 instead of waiting for turn 4-5-6 with the sword. i would also sub out a couple of quad sickness for doom blade. Finally, im not sure whayt you could remove but id definatly try and get a couple of Sorins Vengence's in there. They are overlooked/undervalued at the moment in my opinion as a 20 life turn around ( drain 10 and u gain 10) for 7 mana is a fantastic deal. Im sure there will be alot of new vamps in Dark Ascension and there are quite a few in innistrad that you could probably pick up cheaply and sub in for a few that you are currnetly using but i think you have a rather solid deck there.

Posted 02 February 2012 at 01:10 as a comment on My first deck, (disregard this deck)


Why not sub out tectonic rift for some goblin ruinblasters? you can destroy a land and get a hasted golblin for less mana. Also, im not really as fan of goblin guide in such an aggressive deck as the last thing i would want is to be giving them extra lands early and i know everybody is gonna tell me how great it is knowing what their opponents next draw will be but with a deck like this you dont really have an option except to hit them hard and fast regardless of what they have in their library or hand. You might want to consider adding in a couple of elixers of vitality so you can get extra value out of ya lightning bolts and goblin grenades.

Posted 25 January 2012 at 23:43 as a comment on Goblins v1.0 (Help a newbie, critique please)


You have got alot of variety in this deck....would i be right in guessing you made it out of some of your spares (1 x fog?!? lol) Regardless, it looks like a fun deck to play with and very unpridictable. I just uploaded a budget green and red deck myself, but its very different (except for the price) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=285421

Posted 22 January 2012 at 05:00 as a comment on Red Green BURN!!!


Gotta love te slivers!! but you have to find a way to get the queen in there, even if you gotta sub in a couple of non basic lands to do it

Posted 13 January 2012 at 06:58 as a comment on Slivers!!


I like the idea of a non burn goblin deck, however i cant beleive you havnt included goblin ruinblaster. non basic lands are all the rage at the moment and getting a goblin and blowing one up with the same card is win/win! Same goes for the goblin arsonist, you gotta find a spot for these 2

Posted 13 January 2012 at 06:10 as a comment on Gobby Bobblers


how about a few good old hedron crabs and a couple of unsummons. not only can they help mill but also help keep you alive a couple of extra turns and neither are very expensive. Also, i think you need to deciede whether you want to win via milling or by creatures as the titan and drake are powerful (and mana hungry) but arnt really necessary if you want to mill them to death. If you rip them out and sub with a couple of walls etc then you can prob get rid of a few islands as most of the remaining cards need very little mana to activate

Posted 13 January 2012 at 04:29 as a comment on First Attempt at a Mill


The deck has potential, however i would definatly get rid of those 2 silver daggers and replace them with 2 bonds as they would offer far more flexibility. I would also consider adding in a couple of unsummons (or something similar) as they could help repel bigger creatures, save your own or help your champion grow faster.

Posted 11 January 2012 at 03:50 as a comment on Standard White aggro/control


I gotta admit its a pretty cool deck, however i would definatly add a couple of elixer of immortality's in to not only recover some life from the earlier rounds but more importantly recover some vital cards from your graveyard. I would remove 1 x Surge Node and 1 x Tumble Magnet

Posted 11 January 2012 at 01:59 as a comment on Karn-Coil Cannon


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