lol look at my goblin deck and sample hand it
lol take a look at my stuffy doll deck stuff the stuffy doll its like yours except 40 cards and no white you might get some ideas its on the homepage
lol yeahh i luv ff
I am going camping for the next 3 days so I can't change the deck I'm sorry. When I come back I will go straight to changes.
i took out white I don't think I needed it
true... true
yeah I guess i'll put it in the sideboard, I just don't think anybody would block it
nah 2 many gilde bairn is not that good 2 is enough becasue it cost 3 to use effect
just asking how would you get the mana? because paradise mantle is a tap effect
if there are a few more people who put suggestions on making this deck 60 cards and give me a few examples of white artifact retrieval i'll make it 60 cards
just a fun and casual burn deck. no need to put 60 cards. if i did i would have to add black to get retrieve cards for stuffy doll.
Great Deck, even if a bit slow if you got a good hand or survived to the mid or endgame this deck is a winner. GJ
yeahhhhhh ty a lot for gilder barin great card for this deck
wow... i never saw those errors... ty man ty alot
myr superion FTW BEAST MYR CARD!! lololololol it is
omg you deleted all my post!!!
lol they changed shroud to hexproof
lol and you say i dont finish my decks.... anyways wheres akroma?
nice very interesting never seen a scarecrow before
41-60 of 72 items