Good call Chiligyro, I made your changes and added another combo to the deck :) Thanks.
Comments welcome, how can I improve this? What are some more cool/fun combos I could use?
Tweaked it a lot more :)
My main concern is the Harm's Way. I was thinking of replacing two of them with Preeminent Captain. Comments/suggestions welcome and appreciated.
Cool looks like fun to play. If I were you I would add more ways to get soldiers out quicker, such as Knight-Captain of Eos, Ranger of Eos, Captain of the Watch (You already have this card), or Martial Coup in order to recover faster from global wipes like Hallowed Burial. Also I would look into changing Safe Passage out for something with less cost, like Path to Exile. Not only does it cost less, but you can take big creatures out of the picture all together instead of just 1 turn. The downside is obviously creatures that can't be targeted with it. I would at least look into it. Good overall, comment on my soldier deck if you get the chance please -
Changed it quite a bit, I feel like I am missing a few creatures. Only thing I can think of to give up for more is Armored Ascension, but I like it too much to give it up.
Thanks for the advice, what do you guys think about Glorious Charge? Worth keeping at all? My thoughts are to replace the 4 White Knights with 4 Captain of the Watch, and replace the 2 Glorious Charge with 2 Armored Ascension. Was thinking of keeping the 4 Pikemasters since I am loosing the first strike on the White Knights.
This is what I have so far, I still need to add Captain of the Watch. I was thinking of getting rid of the Soul Wardens for the Captains, but I'm not sure. Also was thinking of adding more Armored Ascension, and wondering if Glorious Charge is worth keeping. Comments appreciated.