Ok in my opinion i would maybe get ride of 2 Bituminous Blasts, and move 1 Terminate to your side board in exchange for Lightning Bolt. (Lower your mana curve a little bit) 2 Slavering Nulls for the Bloodghast. As for your side board remove 1 Gatekeeper for your Terminatem and replace the 3 Fissure Vents with 3 Contersquall. These are just suggestions, well done. You could always look at Spreading Seas and Cruel Ultimatum as well...
Ob Nixilis, the Fallen could fit nicely in this deck....
Something to think about would be Tuktuk th Explorer. Man I love that guy. I made a B\R Sac deck soley around him lol.
Is this just a deck made up of cards u have? Cuz this is a HORRIBLE vamp deck if not. Very scattered and no method to the madness....
21-24 of 24 items