
4 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

same as above I would focus on getting the cards then killing a dead horse. I dont see the reason for the planeswalkers thats 6 more cards you could have to get other stuff or things to slow down someone tell you do get them. Also 28 lands wouldnt that kill the mana curve a ton. With birds and nobles I could understand 24 max. your not wanting to cast Eldrazi Conscription. I think sliming down the land and get something to get cards into your hand would help. Also silence might be nice so you dont get countered. That would suck.

Posted 21 July 2010 at 04:47 as a comment on FNM Bant


Well itsa hard to speed up a control deck and not take out counter spells. At the same time you have to make sure you get the combo cards to play. If you could splash black you could run some Diabolic Tutor to get the cards but then you need to blue and red mana. Splashing green you could have birds and or druids ally guy and get mana maybe faster for the combo. But still you would have to take crap out for that. I like Halimar Depths not sure if others do but its an impuls thats a island. Drop that first or second turn and help get the mana/combo cards. You dont have to speed it up if you can slow others down. Earthquack if you are not scared of taking damage and pyroclasum are great but your creaturs take damage. Merfolk looter and or that new one they have could help to get cards you dont need out your hand and draw cards you might need, but they are really only good if you are going to last longer than 8+ rounds and you want to go off by then I think. If you dont care if your opp. draws there is Burning Inquir. That might help you out.

Posted 21 July 2010 at 04:32 as a comment on Holy Shit! please rate!


you have 8 red cards. I dont think you are going to use bolts for damage to a player so I would see about somethign else like Gatekeeper, Disfigure. As for the Flings Are they there just to fling the Demon of Death's Gate. would suck to get redirected or countered because its part of the casting coast. I think hes cool but might want to run just 2 because you wouldnt want 3 on the draw and nothing to get him out.

Posted 20 July 2010 at 17:51 as a comment on vampires fling demon wins! (t2) PLEASE COMMENT!!!


terminate would be great but only tell Oct. I think you are right about the gravedigger. I took them out and added x2 mind rot. the mind sludge coust to much and I hatted it in my pox deck when I could only get 4 mana at most. I thing the Rots are faster for the most part. Thanks

Posted 20 July 2010 at 17:40 in reply to #74691 on Wow I think it might work


Im not running Hyps because they leave when 11th comes out. As for the above when asked not enough discard there are only 4 duresses and 10 creatures.. I had the gravediggers because I want to get back the gatekeepers or a discard creatures. Ill see how it goes with those out and something else in. As for The burning Inquiry That gives someone 3 cards more to find an anwser for something I have and only would be good if I had the Liliana's Caress in play or the deck.

Posted 20 July 2010 at 17:33 as a comment on Wow I think it might work


see the Hellfire Mongrel are the new Racks so I dont think megrem is a good way seeing it cost B2 but the Liliana's Caress I could see but still taking a card place I cant fit just yet

Posted 20 July 2010 at 07:39 as a comment on Wow I think it might work


Migrims take place of a creature and I need all the extras I can get sence I dont have room for more. Also I was thinking for the side board to use Jenxid idles and the bazaara traider guy as a throw off for better control decks. I will see if I can fit them in and make it work better

Posted 20 July 2010 at 07:29 in reply to #74678 on Wow I think it might work
