
1 Deck, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

Forbidding Watchtower (a good blocker) removed for Windbrisk Heights, we'll see how that works.

Posted 23 May 2009 at 02:19 as a comment on Mono-white Control


Also, if I have nothing to remove or counter in a turn, I can put that mana into him and MAKE MY KITHKIN GROW!! Helps avoid wasting mana.

Posted 23 May 2009 at 02:14 as a comment on Mono-white Control


Couple of recommendations: Ghitu Fire, Chandra, or Fatal Attraction. Just some thoughts.

Posted 23 May 2009 at 02:02 as a comment on Repercussion


Windbrisk Heights might be the best card in the format, so yes, I've given it some serious thought. The only issue I can come up with regarding it is, what to I Hideaway? it'd have to be a creature, one of the planeswalkers or another Spectral Procession to really be useful. I guess that leaves a decent number of options. Then the question becomes "what do I remove to make room?" Probably the Forbidding Watchtowers. Good blockers, but not great for much else. Here is my thoughts regarding Figure of Destiny; if the aggro decks can run it and keep it long enough to make it useful, I certainly should be able to. And, if it sticks around long enough it is a solid 8/8 beater, very painful in good control.

Posted 23 May 2009 at 01:55 as a comment on Mono-white Control
