
5 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

this is a deck that i just made to play along with friends not really with tournaments. they made a legacy/extended decks and basically anything goes so its an amazing card to have because turn 3 u get out mycosynth and ur modular guys get affinity then with fabricate u grab the ravagers workers/ crushers the whole arcbound army. what do u think of it so far tho??

Posted 26 June 2010 at 14:42 in reply to #71456 on ArcBound Madness Deck


cool idea haha......... but if u dont mind me asking how do u win lol if u keep sacing artifacts to take an extra turn then how do u plan to win with just 4 creatures? when they can jsut burn u with LB and stuff hehe or like doomblade?......... cool idea tho maybe toss in a emrakul so u get so many turns u actually will have enoguh to cast him and he has anihilater 6 haha so gg?

Posted 25 June 2010 at 01:37 as a comment on Can I Have a Turn?
