
362 Decks, 2,044 Comments, 737 Reputation

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Day Dreamer

by demonking28 - updated on Sunday, 29 Nov 2015
RUG EDHCommanderIntentFun

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EDH (75)Fun (70)Aggro (47)Standard (42)Commander (42)Creature-Based (41)Combo (39)Experimental (26)Dragon (23)Tournament (22)Control (22)Other... (22)Casual (21)Mono Red (16)Mono Green (15)Tribal (14)Burn (13)Stompy (12)Modern (12)Casual fun (12)Theme (11)Mill (9)R/B (9)R/G (9)Gruul (7)Mono Black (7)Dragon EDH (7)Mono Red EDH (6)Rakdos (6)Extraction (6)Mono White (5)Life Gain (5)Boros (5)Deck Challenge (5)Ramp (4)Land Destruction (4)Jund (4)R/W (4)Grixis (4)U/B (4)Dimir (3)Reanimate (3)elfs (3)R/W/B (3)RDW (3)Artifact (3)Prison (3)W/G (3)Dragonstorm (3)Mono White EDH (3)R/G EDH (2)Token Based (2)Green Stompy (2)Mono blue EDH (2)sunburst (2)r/b/g (2)White Weeny (2)R/B/U (2)R/W/B EDH (2)Jund EDH (2)Valkas (2)Dragon Tribal (2)Creature Based (2)Bolas (2)Selesnya (2)Dragons (2)Infect (2)Zombie (2)5-Color (2)Midrange (2)Token (2)Golgari (2)Mana Ramp (2)Angel (2)R/B EDH (2)B/U (2)Heartless Summoning (2)Numot (2)Aggro EDH (2)Sarkhan (2)White Weenie (2)Land Based (2)hellkite (2)B/G (2)W/B (2)Elf (2)G/B (2)R/U (2)g/r (1)Junk (1)Nicol Bolas (1)Ninja (1)Elemental (1)Mono Blue (1)thundermaw (1)Landfall (1)Primal Surge (1)Trostani (1)Izzet EDH (1)USA (1)Elspeth (1)spiders (1)black control (1)burn at the stake (1)Extended (1)Theme based (1)Shenanigans (1)U/G (1)Arcbound (1)Eldrazi (1)Isochron Scepter (1)Planeswalker (1)razia (1)Splinter Twin (1)Boros EDH (1)Kaalia (1)R/B/W (1)battle of wits (1)WW (1)R/G/B (1)Blood Artist (1)5 Color EDH (1)Modern Green (1)Madness (1)Aurelia (1)U/B/R (1)nayan (1)R/G aggro (1)G/W/B (1)R/B/W EDh (1)Form of the Dragon (1)Tribute (1)Artifact Control (1)EDH Control (1)Balthor (1)Dread (1)Anti Creature (1)W/B/U/R/G (1)B/W/G (1)aggro burn (1)kaldra (1)EDH White (1)Swans of Bryn Argoll (1)r/w/g (1)All colors (1)Legacy (1)Goblin (1)White (1)Izzet (1)+1/+1 Counters (1)Unblockable (1)Gisela (1)Life Drain (1)Rogue (1)Creatureless (1)Discard (1)U/W (1)Haste (1)Graveyard (1)Reanimator (1)Tokens (1)Equipment (1)Multiplayer (1)Azorius (1)Naya (1)Budget (1)Vampire (1)Counters (1)Enchantment (1)Aura (1)Infinite Combo (1)Soldier (1)G/U/R (1)B/W (1)Orzhov (1)RUG (1)Tezzeret (1)Causal (1)Esper (1)R/B standard (1)Standard Dragons (1)Dstorm (1)Scrapyard Salvo (1)Rareless Stompy (1)R/W Commander (1)Tajic Commander (1)R/B Extraction (1)Red Weeny (1)Instant death (1)Gods (1)Raging Ravine (1)Standard Green (1)Modern Dragons (1)Purphoros (1)Kaalia EDH (1)Commander Burn (1)Commander Aggro (1)R/W Token (1)Esper Commander (1)dwarfs (1)Prossh (1)R/G/B EDH (1)EDH Artifact (1)Rakdos Artifact (1)Darksteel Commander (1)Everyone Loses (1)R/U Fun (1)Efreet (1)table top (1)Black Burn (1)Casual Bolas (1)Animar EDH (1)Spider Tribal (1)RWU EDH (1)Zombie EDH (1)Jund Commander (1)Blue EDH (1)Mogis EDH (1)Dromar EDH (1)Esper EDH (1)Niv EDH (1)R/U Dragon EDH (1)Zirilan EDH (1)Dragon Commander (1)Creatureless Mill (1)Stompy/Enchantment (1)Five Color EDH (1)Malfegor EDH (1)Aggro Green (1)RU Pyromancer (1)WBR Mid-Range (1)Dega Wedge (1)Surrak (1)Mardu EDH (1)RWB EDH (1)Prossh EDH (1)Sultai EDH (1)Sedisi (1)UGB EDH (1)Intent (1)B/R Aggro (1)Sunburst Commander (1)R/B commander (1)W/B EDH (1)\mono red (1)LORD WINDGRACE (1)Grixis Dstorm (1)R/B/U EDH (1)EDH Dragons (1)Commander Dragons (1)CEDH Prossh (1)Budget CEDH (1)Commander Lands (1)Jund Lands (1)Red aggro (1)U/W/B EDH (1)Honor (1)EDH Mono Black (1)Maralen EDH (1)Jaya Ballard (1)Burn Flashback (1)Red/White EDH (1)Master of Cruelties (1)Modern Midrange (1)black sacrifice (1)Izzet Fun (1)Sunburst EDH (1)Super Burn (1)Multi Kill (1)Nayan Counters (1)Tatsumasa (1)Nayan Stompy (1)G/W/R (1)Goblin Charbelcher (1)niv (1)Red Dragons (1)Mono Green EDH (1)artifact hate (1)Holy Human (1)maze (1)Modern Burn (1)Yosei (1)teneb (1)Standard Extraction (1)EDH Elfs (1)Gixis (1)bear (1)Jugan (1)g/r/b (1)Stoneforge Mystic (1)B/W Mill (1)Mono Black EDh (1)Mortal Combat (1)White Weeny EDH (1)Memorial Day (1)Infect EDH (1)Mimeoplasm EDH (1)R/B Combo (1)M14 (1)Golgagri (1)U/B EDH (1)Ad Nasea (1)Flipped Deck (1)Charbelcher (1)B/W Belcher (1)Control/Combo (1)No commons or Uncommons (1)spider overrun (1)B/W Standard (1)USA EDH (1)Combo EDH (1)Mono blue mill (1)Vol (1)Casual Stompy (1)Dovahkiin (1)RUG EDH (1)Utvara (1)White Life Gain (1)Green/White Ramp (1)Wilde Fire (1)Star Dragon (1)No Instants or Sorcerys (1)Tribal Barbarians (1)Legend Rule (1)U/W EDH (1)Scorpion Tribal (1)