
12 Decks, 32 Comments, 1 Reputation

Not sure why this says it's not legal in Vintage. I checked every card, and they all say they're legal in Vintage. Also checked MTG's Vintage format page, and it seems to conform. So I'm not sure what the website's issue is. It's a Vintage deck, due to the Guilty Conscience.

Posted 09 November 2021 at 19:28 as a comment on Pinpricks


Not bad, at all. The only thing I would change in this is -2 Murderous Cut for +2 Ruinous Path. Reason: Ruinous Path is a 3-drop destroy target Creature or Planeswalker.

Posted 16 October 2015 at 21:12 as a comment on Tattletale Strangler: Standard


Hi, Beowulf!

Apologies for it taking so long to get a reply to you. The website was giving me a headache in not wanting to post a response earlier... Thank you for taking the time to write out such a detailed response!

1. You're correct that I rarely use Elspeth's -3. While I'm grateful that the ability is there, I don't like using any field-wipe ability except as a last resort. This is the biggest reason I chose to replace Akroma's Vengeance with Austere Command. With the Command, I get more choices, and can make a more specific strike against the field.

2. While I own "Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx" (3 of them, to be exact,) I never considered it to be much of an asset to a mono-colored deck. This is something I will have to look into and test. Thank you for the tip!

3. Brave the Sands looked like a pretty nifty card. If I don't run it as a permanent mainboard, I will most certainly get my hands on at least one for a sideboard!

4. Hero of Bladehold looks nice, for sure, but I'm skeptical about having non-Soldier creatures in the deck. As it was, it was a difficult choice to fit in Evangel of Heliod and Hopeful Eidolon. However, I can see the logic behind it due to the lower CMC between Hero and Evangel. Perhaps with a chain combo of Gift of Immortality, it would work?

5. I remember Sword of Fire and Ice quite fondly, and honestly forgot about them until I read your comment. Will certainly have to try to get my hands on a couple of these!

Overall, I really appreciate the suggestions, and I will most certainly look into implementing some of what you said. Thank you very much! =D

Posted 12 August 2015 at 15:45 in reply to #553932 on Frontlines


Protection from a color only affects spells and abilities that specifically target that permanent. Since Pestilence affects the board as a whole, protection doesn't work.

It's the same concept as a creature having protection from White, and the opposing player uses Wrath of God. The creatures that have the protection are still destroyed.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 05:37 in reply to #125636 on Sorry if you are playing black


Pestilence in-and-of-itself defeats this deck. Your creatures would still be affected by it and you'd be tapping 1:1 mana to keep up with it with your CoP Black. Personally, I'd dump it ASAP for something else that wouldn't hit you as hard as your opponent.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice enchantment, but a serious double-edged sword unless you have something to effectively counter it with.

Other than that, I really like this!

Posted 06 February 2011 at 18:43 as a comment on Sorry if you are playing black


I like it. Not a bad build at all.

The only issue I see is a lot of reliance on Chrome Mox to get your power creatures out by turn 3 or 4. But then, at the same time, you did a lot of workup with the Bannerets and Warchiefs.

I'd love to have the opportunity to face a deck like this one with my own soldier deck! (

Posted 06 February 2011 at 00:24 as a comment on Titan's Soldier Deck


I like what you have going on here.

There's 1 card, I believe would help, instead of the Lightcaster, but would not only break away from the Kor theme, but it would probably upset your mana balance as well if you mainboarded it: Pentarch Paladin.

The main reason why I say that, is because Pentarch's ability can be used for any color of choice and can be used multiple times.

I dunno, that's my 2-cents. Very nice deck, though!

Posted 16 September 2010 at 07:16 as a comment on Quest for the Holy Cloak


There's 2 reasons why I didn't put any Baneslayers in here:

1. I hate that card with a passion.
2. It really doesn't fit in with the control theme of this deck.

Posted 01 September 2010 at 13:58 in reply to #84679 on Rare Only- Deck Challenge


It's good... In theory.

The main thing about this deck is that its mana average is WAY too high for it to be seriously effective enough for you to set up a good defense early on.

Blue and Black aren't entirely my areas of expertise, but if you want it to be more effective faster, look into some cheap hand destruction cards. Like those ones that cost 1 or 2 mana.

The combos, however, are excellent, so it would be a tough choice on what to swap out. Excellent in theory ^^

Posted 21 August 2010 at 02:43 as a comment on Erase Miser


*takes a big whiff* I LOVE the smell of trolls first thing in the morning!


Posted 21 August 2010 at 00:05 as a comment on Comment BEFORE downing decks


Hehe. We're commenting too quickly against one another XD

I see the misunderstanding, and still agree that this is an extremely well though-out deck!

Posted 21 August 2010 at 00:02 in reply to #81901 on Elf Beatdown (I R8 Back)


I have to agree with Time on this. Too much green for the amount of green-mana producing cards you have.

Personally, I'd try to even out your green/blue mana ratio. Swap out a few Islands for Forests, and this deck should be able to run a little faster in getting a lot of those green creatures and spells onto the field.

Other than that, I like the concept, and the playability looks to be quite promising! Good work!

Posted 21 August 2010 at 00:00 as a comment on Elf Beatdown (I R8 Back)


Akroma, Angel of Wrath

Posted 13 August 2010 at 05:15 as a comment on Favorite Deck


Deck Link:

Deck Name: Holy War
Main Theme: Angel/Soldier Aggro/Field Control
Format: Type 1.5

Posted 11 August 2010 at 21:22 as a comment on Post Your Decks HERE!!!


You know... I was thinking to myself "Hey, this deck looks pretty neat! I'll bet it'll be awesome when he finishes putting in all the cards!"

And then I saw the Baneslayer Angels...

Posted 11 August 2010 at 20:14 as a comment on WHITE POWER


If you're looking to set yourself up, I'd personally replace either the Nissa's Chosen, or the Squadron Hawks (or any combination of) for a couple of Sage Owls for that extra peeking power.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 14:40 as a comment on Deck Challenge: 5 Titans


Hehe. This deck looks like fun! ^^ You also gave me another replacement idea for Ajani in my own mono-white deck. Gideon looks UBER awesome :P

Posted 29 July 2010 at 11:31 as a comment on Gideon's Last Stand


@ drumhead: Yeah... Good luck finding someone who would give up Elspeth, or finding her for cheap. I'm still looking for one to replace the Ajani in my deck.

Hehe. Not all soldier decks are white weenie ;P Mine's an aggro/field control =P

Posted 28 July 2010 at 20:59 in reply to #76767 on Mono White Soldier Deck


75 cards!? That is WAY too many cards if you want to maintain a seriously fast and heavy hitting deck.

20 lands is good. Very good. Especially if it's at 60. This deck relies heavily on Ballyrush Banneret and Daru Warchief to reduce mana costs, which can be good, but may also slow you down if you're waiting for those cards specifically.

Things I would take out:
- 4x Aven Squires: Granted, they only cost 1W to play for a 1/1 flier, but you'd be better off using Suntail Hawk with the W mana cost. Exhalted works best in either white weenies or pure Exhalted decks.
- 4x Veteran Swordsmith: If you like the buffs these guys do, go for something that would give you more bang for your buck. Like... Field Marshal. It costs 1WW, gives other soldiers +1/+1 AND First Strike. I'd personally throw 2 or 3 of these in there.
- 4x Ballyrush Banneret: Good mana reducer for relatively cheap, but Daru Warchief does more for a total of 2 more on cost. In a 60-card deck running 20 mana, you shouldn't have much, if any, problems getting them out quickly enough.
- 2x Enlistment Officer: Not a bad card. Gives you the potential for more creatures in hand. But then again, costs 4 for it. Personally, I wouldn't run them maindeck. Sideboard if you absolutely needed to.
- 2x Intrepid Hero: Not a bad card, but I wouldn't run it maindeck. Sideboard this, because there's no guarantee that you'll be facing a deck that relies on P4+ creatures.
- 2x Captain of the Watch: 4 is WAY too many, especially with a 4WW mana cost in a deck like this.

What I would put in for creatures:
- 2 or 3x Field Marshal: 1WW cost for a 2/2 that gives other soldiers +1/+1 and First Strike.
- 4x Frontline Strategist: Not a bad little card to have in a soldier deck. A morpher with a W flip cost, and a semi-Holy Day effect that only affects non-Soldier creatures.

Other than that, your creatures are pretty solid.

For your spells and enchantments...:

- 2x Raise the Alarm, 2x Conquorer's Pledge, 1x Disenchant -> 1x Mobilization, and 1x Wrath of God
Mobilization is a nice little card. Lets you generate tokens at a steady pace, plus it only costs 3 to play. It gives your soldiers Vigilance, which is handy for when your CoW's are still buried in the deck, and they stay after the CoW's are destroyed.
Wrath pretty much justifies itself...

So, let's take a look at what it would look like after:

LANDS (20):
Plains x20

2x Field Marshal
4x Frontline Strategist
2x Captain of the Watch
4x Elite Vanguard
1x Ranger of Eos
4x Preeminent Captain
4x Daru Warchief

SPELLS (19):
1x Mobilization
2x Honor the Pure
4x Oblivion Ring
1x Militia's Pride
4x Path to Exile
2x Raise the Alarm
2x Retaliate
1x Wrath of God

I hope this helps ^^
2x Martial Coup

Posted 28 July 2010 at 20:55 as a comment on Mono White Soldier Deck


Actually, it wouldn't. Protection from "color" only works for specifically targeted spells and abilities, not field altering ones. Your deck would be seriously weak against one that used a lot of field-altering cards.

Things I would consider, however:

-2 Field Marshal, +1 Catapult Master and +1 Mobilization. Catapult Master allows you to tap 5 soldiers creatures (token or not), to exile target creature. Mobilization gives you extra insurance in the event that your Captains are off the battlefield to continue to give you Vigilance, plus it's a steady token generator.

Posted 16 July 2010 at 18:07 in reply to #74082 on Soldier Ownage(main deck)


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