
20 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

you are correct but in the meta i play for edh, most are slow decks that wont truely do anything till turn 10-15. i did have a match last night where i had to play defensive since he dealt 16 commander damage in to turns with a 3/3 commander, had wait till almost turn 12 to kill since he had fog bank and i had to get more white mana to deal with it. was screwed with mana early game. which is why i have alternate win cons (late game) incase they have some way to deal with scion.

Posted 08 July 2017 at 00:41 in reply to #565590 on Scion of the Ur-Dragon


I play short game with scion, normally win turn 7 maybe 8 if its 1v1. here is how i one turn combo kill(note scion has been on field for one turn already): Search for Atarka, world render declare atks for double strike; if no blocks are declared Search for hellkite overlord, pump +1/+0; if no response on combat damage step Search for Skithiryx for game! although i think i will be adding moltensteel to give an extra option for pumping.

here is my version of scion for edh

Posted 07 July 2017 at 04:37 in reply to #565590 on Scion of the Ur-Dragon


thanks for the advice, haven't played this deck in awhile so im gonna see how drana works as the commander.

Posted 25 February 2015 at 00:56 in reply to #537506 on drana, kalastria bloodcheifEDH


have you thought of nephalia drownyard

Posted 14 February 2015 at 19:35 as a comment on Modern Mill


Dragon arch could be possible if u decide to add more multicolored creatures. and u gave me some cards to try to working into my scion edh deck.

Posted 21 August 2014 at 14:10 as a comment on Dragon EDH
