
8 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

Only at first. The first 4 games had bad draws. But I attribute that to shuffling since the deck was still brand new and all of the cards started clumped. A couple games down the road the deck is a little surprising sometimes. It's all about having enough mana to cast the spells in your open hand.

If you have to wait 3 turns to play something don't take it a lot of the time.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 20:51 as a comment on New Phrexian Myrs


This is true, nocturnus would be best. But I actually have these cards. I'm slowly working my way to the better vampires as I can find them in stores.

Eventually I want to add 2 Vampiric Tutor, 2 Sanguine Bond, 2 Bad Moon, Replace General's Kabuto with Lightning Greaves, 2 Basilisk Collar, 1 Kalitas Bloodchieft of Ghet, 2 Vampire Nocturnus.

It's just hard to find all those without going online. I can be patient I can get better deals usually.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 15:01 as a comment on The Vampire Legacy


Yes the frost titan was only there to have mandatory spell countering. IT just slows the opponent down really by forcing them to pay 2 extra to cast any spell.

I did consider the Myr BattleSphere's. (I ended up enhancing this deck, but with the new Phrexia cards coming out.So I can't add it here just yet.) Thanks for the input though, speed is definitely a priority here.

Posted 28 April 2011 at 20:50 as a comment on The Mirran Elite (U/W)


Sangromancer is pretty nice. I have 4 Megrim and 4 Mind Sludge ready if I ever need to take full advantage of Sangromancer.

The Emperion I only put in there because if I run out of creatures with life link, or if something goes awry I can fall back on him because he's so big. IF a big threat comes out I can bank on the Emperion and Grave Titan.

The Magus is holding me back, but at the same time I don't play too often where Standard Legal is enforced.

Posted 09 March 2011 at 09:49 as a comment on Protectorate of Sins
