Excuse me for being frank but to say there is no way to pull off the combo faster is to show that not only are you not the originator, have not worked on developing this deck on any forums, and have done little more than copy the entire deck list. Myself and others improved the T1/T2 win percentage but have also been able to include a 8/12 card protection package. I was originally going to ask how you were finding the side to be considering most of us haven't had decent results with a watered down belcher approach and am still interested if you have any relevant reflections. Apologies if I sounded harsh, but I firmly believe no deck is ever finished.
Sorry for posting this here, couldn't find the answer elsewhere. If you ashiling @ 40 with an equipped batterskull, assuming nobody is above 40, and pop her does everyone lose or do you gain the life before totals are checked?
i think hard counters would be better but that could be a bit of a meta call, in a more global view you'd want hard counters because you specifically just want to prevent the damage - but due to meta where anything could be being run that might leave you open to swarms after digs (where mana leak would be superior).Tutors are good in any deck, not being very familiar with white all I can say is 'long-term plans' could be added to search up your wincon. Depending how lenient your group is you could also go panoptic mirror + time warp (wouldn't go that route w/ anyone but friends though).And np, glad I could finally contribute back to the community who did the same for me, happy deckbuilding :)
I'm not really sure how to approach this deck, as it being only vintage and legacy legal even kitchen stable style you're gonna be facing a lot of problems. Aggro, Control, Combo are all going to be a problem for this deck with only 4 counterspells main'ed and 3 in side. Instead of going over all that with spot removal, board sweepers, and a myriad of other options lets take a look and what we can offer.-Make this GUW, anti-aggro, counterspell, spot removal specifically.-Going green gives you access to tangle and fog-Going blue I cannot even list all the counterspells, just search "counter spell" in mtg card search.-Going white gives you your spot removal, path to exile and swords to plowshares.-Green would also allow you to add the Primeval Titan + Glacial Chasm + (artifact that lets you sac land to gain life so you don't pay upkeep, this also needs to be combo'd w/ life from the loam and the land that lets you grab artifacts from grave should it get destroyed)-Blue also gives you some options to prevent your opponent from having any cards in hand while pluss'ing yours, an essential for this deck.-White gives you some great defenders, and alternate win condition cards (search you "win if you have x life")At the end of the day though, it would be easiest to just run a defender life-gain deck than re-haul this deck, but to each their own :) Happy gaming. Also noted that you have 64 cards, unless you fear mill decks you should always try to keep it at the 60 card minimum for consistency. EDIT: Apologies if any of that sounded harsh, I like the idea behind the deck and all alt-win condition decks.