These were all great suggestions. Though I'm not sure about Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon seeing as I already have Impending Disaster, Ruination, Apocalypse, and Obliteration for land denial. Still I do own a Moon Moon I'll try to fit it in the Magus if the Blood Moon really seems to make a difference. Taking out Incinerate, Flametongue Kavu, 1 Mountain and a Tremor.
On second thought make that Viashino Heretic instead of goblin vandal.
Thanks for catching Vexing Shusher error forgot about its dual green casting cost just remembered as costing RR.Put in goblin vandal in its place to give deck more artifact removal in case N. disk, apocalypse, and obliterate and karn, silver golem with burn aren't enough.
Hi Impulsion, Thanks for input. You probably mean "too" many creatures. It seems to run fine for me. If you want cut 4 creatures and add 4 Thoughtseize or 4 Dark Ritual.
Glad you like the changes think you'll these improvements even more added young pyromancer and brimstone volley and took out pyrostatic pillar and the goblin that give haste and +1 if you play kicker. If the young pyromancer manages to get into play it sets up a possible 5 points damage with brimstone valley to one of the 1/1 elementals the young pyromancer spits out.
Ryudhyn thanks for input. Added 6 mountains. Took out all artifacts and sacrifice artifacts. Added 4 Goblins. Took out 4 goblin grenades. Added 4 Pyrostatic Pillar added 4 gitaxian probes. Added a side board. What do you think now?
Greenee I posted a reply to your red/black elemental deck
I posted a reply to your black/red elemental deck
You asked my for some input: culling the weak maybe instead of infernal plunge if you can get them 4 red/black lands like Blood Crypt or Badlands (if your can afford or can poxy), 4 terminate in sideboard, personally I also like graveyard hate in side board like relic of progenitus
Talrand is an interesting card if I can find a couple I might try adding 1 or 2 to the deck and taking out perhaps 1 or 2 Coralhelm Commander. This deck is sort of a mid range deck not fast agro. Thanks for the input.
Hi Greenee,The idea of the deck is to create controllable "infinite loop" with or myr retriever and ashnod's altar or phyrexian altar and gravecrawler to do "infinite" damage and "infinite" life gain with with blood artist or infinite damage with discipline of the vault in play. Deck also can storm for "infinite exile of cards" using bitter ordeal.Your idea with myr retriever isn't very useful myr retriever brings artifact back into hand not into play.Perhaps you were thinking with myr retriever + heartless summoning + ashnod's altar to make infinite mana? But why go for big X mana card when I can have infinite damage and possibly infinite life with just 1 or 2 more mana?Still your idea has some merit heartless summoning + 2 Myr retrievers provides for infinite storm for bitter ordeal unfortunately heartless summoning makes blood artist and discipline of the vault not so useful in the deck.