Undying Devil From Hell

by DeCakeBaker on 25 July 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Enchantments (4)

Sideboard (12 cards)

Sorceries (4)

Instants (8)

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Deck Description

Thought about vexing devil and wanted to abuse him so I created this.

How to Play

T1 blood crypt or mountain then lightning bolt or cackler
T2 vexing devil then if they respond to him being summoned, play undying evil and he comes back as a 5/4 and they choose again. If they have no response to him being summoned play undying evil. They have to choose now if they want a 4/3 or have to deal with a 5/4. If they choose to sac then he comes back with undying and is a 5/4 and then they have to choose again. Most people will just let him stay the first time but the odd time they will let him come back with undying.
T3 i) If vexing devil is still around madcap skills
ii) If not disentomb him and repeat T2
Just repeating this wins games fast and for extra damage you can use incinerate and lightning bolt, they also double as removal. This deck is very aggro, smash their faces with hellspark and bloodghast to deal damage and to stall until you get the combo. Doom blade for removal.

Deck Tags

  • Undying vexing devil
  • Burn
  • R/B
  • Red Black
  • Vexing Devil
  • Undying Evil
  • Cheap
  • Fun
  • Modern

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 7,221 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Undying Devil From Hell

only thing i would suggest would be to add two more doomblades, but what to take out for them...

Posted 25 July 2013 at 21:34


I know right?

Posted 26 July 2013 at 01:16


Technically, I don't think you can do this, as you can't cast Undying Evil in response to the opponent's choice, you'd have to cast it before Vexing Devils ability resolves (and any choice is made) in which case, your opponent is most likely going to let it stay. This is because the choice, and then the act of sacrificing the devil are all the same ability, not two separate ones, so there is no time to cast an instant

Posted 25 July 2013 at 22:54


This exactly. The idea was thorously discussed here: http://www.mtgvault.com/noviax/decks/undying-devil/
But seeing how hard you depend on combo you got wrong, I worry this deck will not work as is.

Posted 26 July 2013 at 01:47


I dont its good as is i know you have to put it on before

Posted 26 July 2013 at 01:59


Maybe ill get fling for ghoulcallers?

Posted 26 July 2013 at 02:06


you dont have a target for undying evil before your opponent makes the choice....you play devil, the choice is the next thing to trigger, you have no chance to play undying evil before our opponent chooses.

Posted 04 August 2013 at 16:43


Actually look at Vexing Devil's text. "When vexing devil enters the battlefield", meaning he is in play before the choice is triggered. Therefore you can cast undying evil in response to the choice targeting vexing devil as it is still on the field before the choice is made. It all works

Posted 06 August 2013 at 05:53


I did look at Vexing Devil's text.

you cannot respond to the choice, only to the devil hitting the battlefield. once the spell resolves, the opposing player receives priority, and makes a choice. if that choice is to pay 4 life, you sacrifice the Devil before you regain priority. you cannot respond to the opposing players choice, only to the ETB effect trigger.

heres a rules citing:

116.2e Resolving spells and abilities may instruct players to make choices or take actions, or may allow players to activate mana abilities. Even if a player is doing so, no player has priority while a spell or ability is resolving. See rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities.”

608.2f If an effect gives a player the option to pay mana, he or she may activate mana abilities before taking that action. If an effect specifically instructs or allows a player to cast a spell during resolution, he or she does so by putting that spell on top of the stack, then continuing to cast it by following the steps in rules 601.2a–h, except no player receives priority after it’s cast. The currently resolving spell or ability then continues to resolve, which may include casting other spells this way. No other spells can normally be cast and no other abilities can normally be activated during resolution

Posted 06 August 2013 at 06:01


You just butchered those rules.

116.2e- no player has priority when an ability is resolving
608.2f- relates to things like Epic Experiment or Hive Mind. As a part of the ability resolution, loads of things get put on the stack, and none can be responded to until the initial ability finishes resolving.

Cast Devil
Casting may be responded to.
He resolves, enters the battlefield
Enters the Battlefield trigger
Ability goes on stack
Ability may be responded to.

As the ability resolves, nobody receives priority until it has finished. So you can't respond to your opponent's choice.

You could cast the devil, and in response to his ability on the stack, cast undying evil on him.
You could NOT cast the devil, let your opponent decide to let him die, then cast undying evil on him.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 16:49


I butchered the rules by copying and pasting them directly from the Comprehensive Rules? i dont see how that works, since WotC's wording is the wording I used.

Your breakdown is correct, and thats what I was trying to get across.

if youre trying to insinuate that 608.2f does not apply here, you are wrong.

we are apparently arguing the same point, however, so the argument is pointless as long as the correct ruling is reached, ie, you cannot let the opponent choose to pay 4 life before you play undying evil.

makes me wonder why Seantastic got an upvote on his clearly wrong comment.....oh well.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 21:36


I have a problem with:
"you dont have a target for undying evil before your opponent makes the choice"
"once the spell resolves, the opposing player receives priority, and makes a choice"
"you have no chance to play undying evil"
Each of these statements you made are blatantly wrong.

608.2f does NOT relate to this, as it specifically relates to how spells are put on the stack. No spells are being put on the stack here.

Seantastic is correct if 'choice' means 'ability'. and 'choice is made' means 'ability resolves'. Which, why I upvoted it.

You butchered the rules by trying to use 608.2. 116.2e is applicable to Vexing Devil.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 23:37


my first comment contained mistakes. I own that, and dont really care what you think, or what you have a problem with. the second comment is not wrong, and you can argue all you want. im through with it.

Posted 07 August 2013 at 00:14


Ninja, ftw

Posted 07 August 2013 at 19:15


so my friend told me about a "knock off" of my deck i put up on here and sent me the link to this saying how everything was basically the same, from the name to the creatures, spells, even the how to play. now i see this and i cant deny there are alot of things in common with my deck and this one. i personally dont care if you did see my deck and copy it i mean if you did im glad i could be an inspiration or whatever now that thats done, on to the advice lol my suggestions are drop all 4 shred freaks and add 2 more spike jesters and 2 blood scrivengers. not only do you keep 2 creatures with haste, but you have a way to keep youre hand full when youre out. and with the artist out youll be just fine on life. possibly drop 2 cacklers for 2 more doom blades like you wanted. thats really all i gotta say. hope it works for you. i know mine is

Posted 26 July 2013 at 04:13


I didn't see your deck till it was posted here in the comments and I added the flings but then took them out.. I too was surprised at first by how similar things were. I thank you for your advice but I think I'm choosing to do things differently.

Posted 26 July 2013 at 04:19


This deck is as old as Vexing Devil is, or atleast the idea. The rest of the cards are just some random aggro/removal cards. A fun thing to add would be Immortal Servitude, with all the 1 mana creatures you can easily get them back. And its way better then Disentomb.

Posted 28 July 2013 at 12:17


Immortal servitude! fantastic idea! Just the suggestion of that card for this deck almost makes me want to buy this deck. good call kajiya

Posted 30 July 2013 at 04:13


Ash zealots over shred freaks

Posted 26 July 2013 at 15:36


And quite possibly the cacklers for stromkirk nobles as they combo so nicely with madcap

Posted 26 July 2013 at 15:37


maybe nobles for shredfreaks :p

Posted 26 July 2013 at 16:18


I think the problem with this deck is that it's too reliant on the Vexing Devils. If you don't draw a Devil, those Spike Jesters and Stromkirk Nobles just won't be able to get there and win. Without an early Vexing Devil, this deck can't really do much at all. Maybe you should consider an alternate gameplan just in case, because even if you get the ideal Devil->Undying Evil start, this deck doesn't have any other ways to close out the game, no matter if the opponent starts at 10, 12, or 20 life. My suggestion is to drop the Doom Blades (you have burn for removal if needed, and if they have something that survives that you probably aren't winning regardless that late in the game) and maybe the Disentombs too in favor of some finishers like Hellrider, Falkenrath Aristocrat, or Ogre Battledriver. It's a cool combo though.

Posted 26 July 2013 at 20:48


Did you want this to be standard legal?

Posted 27 July 2013 at 04:50


nope I do not

Posted 29 July 2013 at 03:37


It would seem as though this deck would benefit from throwing in at least 1 Mikaeus the Unhallowed... I know he would be kind of a late drop, but it would boost the Devils and may (you would have to check the ruling on it) give it undying.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 16:42


It will give them Undying. The problem is undying is quite weak in this deck, because Cackler and Stromkirk noble already got a +1/+1 counter if they do their job right.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 17:18


first it looks sweet id love to play this deck but the spike jesters aren't going to live long enough to do anything haste is nice but there 3/1s and anything can kill that so I would take out 2 of those and put in something a bit heavier. Its just a suggestion but that's what I would do

Posted 30 July 2013 at 15:57


the point is to madcap them when you don't have devil! 6/1 haste can't be blocked except by two or more creatures is awesome

Posted 30 July 2013 at 21:25


I know mimic vat isn't standard but... So Much fun with devil!

Posted 30 July 2013 at 19:00


this deck list isn't standard !

Posted 30 July 2013 at 21:26


Mimic vat that shit! the deck looks like it runs out of steam turn 4... Mind you I said looks
Try adding creatures that spawn creatures when the enter/leave battlefield because you want thing to hit the board twice right? Oh yeah add keldon marauders

Posted 30 July 2013 at 22:15


It actually usually wins turn 4.... but it is just so aggro it crushes most decks that can't catch up to it. Mimic vat is good but it is 3 mana and i only want one or two drops also it doesn't fit the flavour of the deck. The problem with keldon is he doesn't have haste which is a big down side especially because hes two mana ... Good suggestions and they could work with the deck but I am happy with the list as is! I do thank you tho your suggestions were awesome!!! maybe you could comment on my other decks with suggestions!

Posted 30 July 2013 at 22:25


Chandra phenix to return undying instant maybe Made this deck http://www.mtgvault.com/dragon77/decks/vampire-rewards/

Posted 08 August 2013 at 22:52


so who won? viking or ninja? can you really cast undying evil when your opponent chose to take 4 damage? JUDGE!!!??? :p

Posted 14 August 2013 at 21:45



Both of us agree that you CAN'T cast undying evil AFTER you opponent has elected to take the 4 damage. (or, at least Ninja did at the end, even though he's basically illiterate)

You CAN cast undying evil in response to the ETB trigger going on the stack, but NOT in response to the decision of the player which occurs during resolution.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 00:43


so let me see if I got that correctly. (this is very important to me cause I got a friend running this kind of deck)

so it looks like this:

casting vexing > resolve
vexing ETB
before vexing triggers
cast undying evil > resolve
Vexing has undying 'til EOT
Vexing triggers (opponent chooses to take 4 or not)


Posted 15 August 2013 at 02:45


That is 100% correct.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 05:18


you talk a lot of trash, kid.

Posted 19 August 2013 at 17:00


what if you don't draw the vexing devil?

Posted 26 August 2013 at 22:07


Torpor orb is hilarious with Vexing Devil.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 22:55


wow... Really cool, need to do it, maybe a little more budget, but I have to...

Posted 17 January 2015 at 02:31
