fast decks are a problem at the moment so the lifegain is really important but thanks for the ideas :D
love the idea of the deck and i think it will work really well bro +1 and possibly check out my new deck?
might as well make it a standard deck lol but its fine :P)
well you thank for the compliment and feedback :D
well i do like the idea but twilight drover dies in this deck :E
Suture priest would become useless in the deck as well
you dont want torpor orb because the deck is based around field wipe
pro black does nothing when world effects happen and the way is to use suture priest or blood artist to board wipe and kill them because the effect. and it does work
infest brotha
do you realize that is for when m13 dissappears? i can do it better ofc
ill sideboard them :P mainboard is not for it but its pretty good
so much like my mono white x_x
so much mono color lol, i think that you should rid yourself of bonfire and reforge the soul, they dont make much sense :)
you should maybe put one more land and put some heartless summonings in this and take to to standard and perhaps kill the exalted except knight of infamy maybe
that comment deserves a follow
your welcome :D
solid everything is the best in standard, i went to friday night magic last friday with my mono green and went 5/0, mono has no mana problemsheres my green deck if you wanna see :P
i just made the combo lol but you can do burn or anything else
indeed man it wanted to to put addtional letters so i put this but i originally meant to just say indeed
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