
3 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

i've used almost this exact same biuld i would nerf the drake, teacher and skywatcher.
replace the drake and skywatchers with coralhelm commander much cheaper two uu to play and only 1 colorless to level. the venerated teachers are handy but thats y you have the training grounds it elimanates there use because everythig only costs one instead of alot. i'd throw in a couple of the bigger umbras like mammoth and drake, imagine a student doing over 30 damage in one hit with flying and vigilance, i love it. the unsummons and deprives could be brought down to 2 each or less and replaced with o-rings in my opinion the best exilement there is. as for a sideboard i suggest something like wrath or god in those moments with nothing else works and mabey some other exilement of counterspells, i dont know much about i side for this deck as i dont have one for mine...yet.

Posted 01 September 2010 at 20:55 as a comment on Blue White Leveler


this deck is easily nerfed a few paths and a cancel or o-rings would end it preaty quick not to mention get anything with a decent defense out and this deck is hurtin.

Posted 01 September 2010 at 20:45 as a comment on megarock fist
