
14 Decks, 16 Comments, 3 Reputation

or maybe i didn't swing for 5 the 3rd turn I can't remember. I was just kind of happy with how it played.
He wound up winning overall however. I've recently run into a problem of my deck just playing weird. It lost a few times when it probably shouldn't have. That game he had a pretty neat hand but unfortunately his deck kind of crapped on him.

Posted 26 September 2011 at 07:49 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


Yea i hate and love manaleak like i said. I went this past wednsday and changed the deck around a little. I don't actually have the wurmcoils just yet but i'm trying to get them. I've found a few substitutes for em but not many amazing substitutes.
also i had this happen. ever....
I was facing some dude with a blue white control deck. I think it was called superfriends.
1st turn: Phantasmal bear
2nd Turn: 2x more phantasmal bears. Swing for 2.
3rd turn: grand architect and 2 adaptive automatons. swing for 5
4th turn: Swing for 21.
Fortunately I went first, when the game ended he revealed a day. That would have screwed my world up.

I do need to change this deck around though, its driving me nuts.

Posted 26 September 2011 at 07:40 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


Hey thanks for the suggestions on my illusion deck. I guess you didn't see i play standard though :P. other than that though. Nice deck, looks like it has some potential. I haven't seen many constructed that work or can handle a constant onslaught of damage.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 08:57 as a comment on 13-1 Architect Birthing Pod


Well leaks i never put in main deck. It just depends on what i'm facing. Reason being is because last week i faced valakut with mana leaks in my deck. When on the 5th turn he dropped his primordial titan with that 6 out of 10 mana. My leak didn't do shit except make him tap his land. And he also didn't really taget my creatures except with the lightning bolts. Now instead of paying two mana to keep my lord alive and later my grand architect i only paid one and then flash freezed his inferno titan. Literal play by play. He still won to my dissatisfaction leaving me with a 3-1 record and him with a 4-0. But anyways, it just depends on what i'm playing. If i'm playing against something that isn't really going after my stuff i'm going to side in things to go after theirs or to help me draw. The deck isn't completely done i'm still playing and learning with it.

Thanks though, also a birthing pod deck that actually works? I haven't seen many that play very well thus far.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 08:56 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


Turn aside is in there for the key of making this deck stay put. Lord of the unreal. The counters in there are simply so he can stay alive, or any other creature like grand architect so that you can still stay strong somewhat.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 22:22 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


Would the hostility creatures tokens that it produces be able to be used with nova chaser? if so that could be a pretty decent combo that would wreck a persons day.

Posted 15 September 2011 at 11:22 as a comment on Elemental roundhouse kick


Yes, Using architects ability on illusions works because it says you may tap "a" blue creature you control. It doesn't target, its basically a mass wipe sort of thing vs say a doomblade. It doesn't target your creatures they basically just all gain that ability. Its like if someone trying to doomblade your bear and you negate it, the bear still dies because it was targetted and its ability goes on the stack where as this is like if you negate a day of judgement. It doesn't target your creatures so none of them die.

Posted 15 September 2011 at 11:08 as a comment on Illusion of Control


Yea what he said about the targetting is true. I was going to run spell skite till i found that out. Currently running a very similar deck. This is what i hope to achieve but what i'm currently running is also on my page.
Also if you run adaptive automatons grand architect is useful. You can just tap grand arch for its own ability and then spend a mana for an adaptive automaton.
also I'm about to change this around, I've found out the hard way. You want more creatures than other types of spells. Yes they are nice but timing is a pain.

Posted 15 September 2011 at 11:01 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


I would probably throw in one elixir of immortality just so you can keep going.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 09:29 as a comment on Zombie Infestation FTW!!!!


Goblin guide, 1 cost 2/2 haste.

i think its before m11 though >.<

Posted 04 September 2011 at 11:01 as a comment on "Glass Cannon"


whoa whoa whoa... No goblin grenade?

Posted 04 September 2011 at 10:26 as a comment on Speedy Goblins


Oh wait, grand architect. Actually i never thought of that, Its in my other deck in place of the other lord of the unreals and phantasmal image.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 09:28 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


@ Odaru I think i've missed something, how would i get a wurmcoil engine on turn 3 O.o?

Also the phantasmal image is exactly for copying Lord of the unreal. Whats more fun than having two lord of the unreals? A lord of the unreal that is an illusion gives itself +1/+1 and hexproof :V.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 09:25 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control


I actually made a bloodthirst deck and brought it to a couple tourney's. They are very hard to make to run well and generally just die.

Posted 02 September 2011 at 12:25 as a comment on BLOOD!


I just looked it up. I literally just started playing a year ago october.
This is actually going to be used in a few events over the next few weeks. Standard tourney's anyways.
If anything I would probably replace phantom beast with it. I'm thinking of replacing them anyways for turn aside.

Posted 02 September 2011 at 10:07 as a comment on finished Illusion-aggro/control
