This is standard, though...
This is a Kuldotha Red build. It's a very fast aggro deck. I'm making one, actually. :)
I need sideboard ideas. Into the Core, Crush, maybe 4 pyroclasm for bad situations, maybe more burn?
That's sort of not the case, Nick. I mean, 0 drops would be expected in this build, and lots of them, just because of Tezzy and for mana. Past that, my only critique is that there isn't enough solid stall potential for the mana curve, but I still dig it as a concept.
Just updated with what I ran at FNM. I love the Ascension, because it's like having two other Highborns on the field.
This deck got me to the top 4 in FNM. I love this build. My current sideboard is a little different, but this deck is svelt and a blast to play!
With all of these taplands, you're susceptible to Tectonic edge and being slowed down. You need 2 Terra Eternal and 4 Amulet of Vigor to keep your mana open and around. Awesome idea, though!
The Nighthawks are too high for the curve; I love them, they serve a huge utility role, but they are just too expensive for a deck of this speed. Standard lifegain doesn't work out THAT well, especially with my removal aspect. If I go up a proliferating, infect, lifegain white with a heavy planeswalker base and artifact ramp, I'll let you know how it fares, but I've stomped on slower decks(considering that many planeswalkers are 4+ mana) by turn 4. The idea is to strictly overwhelm with creatures, and one of the main mechanics is sacing the Bloodghasts to Viscera Seer while a Highborn is out for my lifegain and more damage. If I'm up against something that has that many counter-producing cards for monsters, that's what the flampler is for. This deck is competitive, and every deck has match issues. The balance is the weenie aspect and the speed. A 3 mana creature in my opening hand severely lessens my massive drop potential. Thanks for the comment, though!
Not everything needs to be an ultimately fast deck, especially since she plays more casual than anything. I'm so not into how everything is magic is turn 3 win or it's crap.
One of the decks I regularly play against is a straight RDW. I've never encountered this problem at all.
I would cut out the Terramorphic Expanses and two tectonic edge for more basic land. That's the only thing I can think of, honestly, besides the fact that you need to shoehorn walls of frost in there.
It's a running satire that we've put into our daily conversation. Tools are hilarious, especially where we live. Thanks much, friends!
I'd definitely appreciate any help with my Standard UB control! Thanks in advance!
This was well before Besieged hit; it was an evolution of an old white weenie deck that I had when I first started playing(the final transformation was my Kor Equipment deck, which was a walking win). I don't even have a white deck anymore. Thanks for the comment.
You run so many more planeswalkers than this.
Also, I have no idea how Feast could be a dead card with 12 one-drop vamps and only vampire creatures in this deck.
60 lands, game?
If I ever run tourney, I'll definitely update it, but this works really well playing against friends. I have thought about Grasp, but I worry more about playing a creature every turn than I do removal. Thanks guys!
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