
3 Decks, 7 Comments, 2 Reputation

Does copying the spell count as casting it though?

Posted 14 February 2013 at 07:15 in reply to #307445 on Ciphered Destruction


Cavern of souls against counter decks to make sure the guildmage hits the board? Don't know what to do about creature removal or burn though. Avacyn's mask to make it hexproof, if you can get it equipped before they burn it down or otherwise kill it, maybe.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 07:12 as a comment on Infinite Extort


I think that devour is fine for early removal. For one, when used early, they aren't gaining that much life. Another point is that this deck is intending to use an infinite kill it doesn't really matter how much life they have, as long as you get the combo on board before they kill you. Also, preventing them from achieving early creature advantage buys this deck the time it needs to start grinding them down. In a pinch, it can also be used targeting yourself for some emergency lifegain, or even to block with a creature that will die when it blocks, and then sacrifice it to devour flesh. The blocked creature will deal no damage, assuming no trample of course, and you gain life. Seems like something the Orzhov would do.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 07:07 in reply to #320248 on Infinite Extort


First turn delver into a second turn miracle cast blessings of nature or revenge of the hunted (need something like a breeding pool for first land to make it happen) is priceless, especially if you can drop a green producing land and drop rancor on it. The idea is that you reveal the green miracle to transform the delver, then draw and miracle cast it. Blessings makes him a turn two 7/6, which is hard to burn down or remove that early in the game. With rancor in hand, its nine damage on turn two, or eleven damage if it was a revenge of the hunted.
If they recognize the danger of the delver and burn it down or otherwise kill it, they have used up a valuable turn to do that instead of dropping a creature themselves. Then you can plop down a two drop on turn two (I like invisible stalker, because he is so hard to kill, and again synergizes with the green miracles so well).
I see another issue with having this many miracles in the deck is that you will inevitably have a hand full of what are basically dead cards in your opening hand. You never want to see miracles in the opening hand. They are way overcosted intentionally because they are so cheap to miracle when you draw them. Index is a good add, though. I'm considering trying to cram a few into my partially miracle based beatdown deck.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 06:58 as a comment on 5C delver miracle


I'm not sure the Young Wolf + Rapid Hybridization combo works as described. YW is destroyed, putting undying on the stack, then a 3/3 is put into play, putting evolve on the stack. Evolve resolves first, then undying, so the Cloudfin already has 2 +1/+1 counters by the time YW comes back into play, unless I am reading something wrong. Still gets you a 2/3, a 2/2, and a 3/3 on turn two though, so not a bad combo. Ooze flux might be nice to consider as well. It allows you to create a big creature, while at the same time removing the +1/+1 counters from your undying creatures.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 16:34 as a comment on Undying Simic
