This is my standard deck. Maybe you can get some ideas for yours.
Gideons and Karn, Elspeth is an awesome card to have in this type deck as well
Just for your viewing pleasure, lol, actually i was wondering if you may have any tips for my blue/white tempo/control deck.
I agree with the splicers, with the hexproof creatures that are being used in more frequency, such as geist of saint traft, a 3/3 first strike blocker would be more efficient than the fiend hunters( plus day of judgment defeats the purpose of a fiend hunter). I run a blue/tempo control deck at fnm and the fiend hunters really disappointed me, i dont run the splicers myself, instead i run 3 midnight hauntings. Seems to work better. Nice deck though. +1 like from me.
Id find room for at least 2 more mountains.
Id drop a haunting, a moorland, and a mana leak, and throw in 3 ponders for deck manipulation. 2 gideons is all you need. add one more bladehold to replace the third gideon. And the reason i said you can afford to drop a midnight haunting is because you have the snapcasters. Id also drop the honor's out all together and replace them with something more useful. And also id try to fit about 3 blade splicers in there somewhere. Other than that it looks good. I have a friend that plays a deck similiar at FNM and it works fairly well.
you need draw spells, that way when you play the maniac you can going ahead and make yourself draw for the win.
I like the idea of the despises but more often than not they can become a dead draw, and with all the bounce, counter, and removal they would be more suited for sideboard action. Plus snappy doubles every instant/sorcery you have. Besides once karn hits any plainswalkers on the board are toast. Nad with control i found that running the nihil spellbombs just take up sideboard space, besides surgical exctract can take care of the unburial, think twices, forbidden alh, etc. So maybe add one more surgical extract and drop the sellbombs. Just suggestions of course. I do however have a UW control deck ive been working on, i would really appreciate so advice on it.
Blue/Black Aggro/Control
Vito i noticed from the posts on this deck that you arent a fan of snappys in Standard, you reffered to them as useless, well i invite you to look at my deck and maybe change your perspective, because for my deck it has almost become a necessity. I utilize it for retrieval of ponders and kill spells and it works absolutely beautiful. But i wouldnt mind some input on my deck as well. plus the flash effect is wonderful for surprise chump blocks.
counterspell and surgical extraction. Deck stopped lmao!
Curiosity has kicked in and i was just wondering, why the glacial fortress'? Maybe it was a mistake and you meant to put 2 drowned catacombs? I'd recommend dropping the 2 dual lands and a vapor snag and maybe adding 3 swiftfoot boots.