best deck evar
you only have 4 cards that return from graveyard. why run so many big creatures? I would put in some smaller ones to defend early game.
your lands are a little wierd... no real plains?and only 1 shock land?
acutally did drop the shadow slices, but for rakdos's return and another mizzium mortar.
i actually do, i just havnt set up the sideboard yet. this is mostly to remember what i was running before haha
Or you can clone the venerated teachers.
I made a knight deck and splashed it with blue. Clone and venerated teAcher for some leveler knights. Clone for the knight exemplar. Check it out. Also I would switch the pacaficms for journey to nowhere. Same cost but the creature can't use abilities or attack or defend. Also the armored ascencions are only a good idea if you don't put in flying creatures, which you probably should.