This is a midrange deck that focuses on a long grindy game. The win-con is tokens and overrunning our opponent with card advantage. We should do well against most non-combo decks and combo is not unwinnable. The deck boasts a LARGE selection of 1-ofs which is not for everyone. Despite the decent amount of filtering getting a specific card won't be a guarantee. However most of our one of's are redundancies of each other. Gideon, sorin and sorin all fill basically the same role (token generators and anthems as does narset, jace, military intelligence and search for azcanta. We are also going for a 2/1 split with BB and LL as we can't have multiples of LL out and too many BBs will kill us. We may need another land.
Affinity; +2 Timely, +1 Rejection, +2 Persecution, +2 Stony/-2 thoughtseize, -1 Inteligence, -1 jace, -1 Search, -1 gideon, -1 narset
This match up highly favors us so there is not much to say. Just beware of them resolving blood moon.
Jeskai Control; +2 Squall, +2 RIP/ -1 search, -3 path
This match up SHOULD favor us thanks to walkers, tokens and lifegain but I am not quite sure how to sideboard here.
E Tron; +1 Verdict, +1 unmaking, +1 rejection, +2 stroke/ -1 narset, -1 jace, -3 inquisition
Another decent matchup we want to lose some weaker cards in midrange games and prepare for the grind.
Storm; +2 squall, +2 stroke, +2 persecution, +2 rip, +1 verdict/-1 cut, -1 search, -1 jace, -1 narset, -2 sorins, -1 inteligence, -2 bb
we are removing all our slow planeswalkers and adding a ton of interaction to the combo including dealing with empty the warrens.
GDS; +1 verdict, +2 squall, +2 rip/-1 search, -3 inq, -1 thoughtseize
prepare or a grindy game so we want to lose cards that are bad topdecks. Favored again.
Titan Shift; +2 squall, +2 stroke/-1 inteligence, -1 narset, -2 bb
We are kinda unfavored here. We keep cards that stop their combo and cards that gains life.
Devoted Company; +1 verdict, +2 persecution, +2 rip/-1, -1 search, -2 raise the alarm
let's hope we have enough removal and discard here. we keep our leaks becuase tagging Coco is a 2 for 1.
Burn; +2 Timely, +2 squall/, -2 seize, -2 BB
If we don't loose life when we don't need to the game will be easy peasy.
Tron; +1 unmaking, +1 rejection, +2 stroke, +2 squall, +2 stony/ -1 jace, -1 lord of innistrad, -3 inquisition, -1 cut, -2 lingering
Ohhhhhhhh boy cross your fingers, hold on to your hats and pray cuase this be a bumpy ride. Worst match up by far. Best way to beat this deck is to dodge it. Good luck.
Abzan; +2 persecution, +2 rip/-2 seize, -2 inq
Jund; +1 Unmaking, +2 Rip, +2 timely/-3 seize, -2 inq