None taken. I just haven't had the time to conceive a sideboard yet.
How would this deck fair in a multiplayer setting? I'm interested in building a werewolf deck and we play free for all. As is, I know I'd replace shock for sizzle to hit everyone across the board but, other than that I'm stumped.
Should add braidfire/sundial of the infinite/final fortune/isochron scepter to give yourself infinite turns.
Should add braidfire/sundial of the infinite/final fortune to give yourself extra turns.
Also, reanimate would be alot faster than dance of the dead and to balance the life loss, if you don't have platinum angel out you could add magus of the mirror. Same goes for switching vampiric tutor for diabolic tutor just in case you're playing a mill deck.
Adding grindstone would just be evil in this deck!!
This deck is great. The only things I would maybe add just to kill my opponents quickly after locking them down would be a few Emrakuls or even a few Kokusho evening stars.