I like the Lodestone Golem/Etherium Sculptor combination, it could really mess people up. What I've noticed is that Ethersworn Canonist and Lodestone Golem don't work well together because if they can only play one spell per turn, it's not that big a deal that it costs one more, they don't need their mana for anything else. So if you know that you'd never side out the golem, think about putting something else in your sideboard. I also really like the idea of Thopter Foundry and Open the Vaults, that seems like a pretty sweet combo. If that's your main win condition, consider Sharding Sphinx as well. Each time one of your little Thopters manages to deal damage to your opponent, you get even more! It works really well with the Eldrazi Monument and doesn't require any sacrificing like the Foundry. I also agree with the previous poster about Scourglass, it's so amazing in my artifact deck. It's basically an instant win in your deck after you've gotten your massive army of thopters and they have no blockers or plainswalkers to stop you.
Thanks for the ideas! Do you have any suggestions for what I would replace the Canonists and Cloaks with? When I've played this deck, I've very rarely gotten overrun early. Ornithopters are typically effective blockers early (and great for transmuting and powering up the Master of Etherium late). More typically, my problem is opponents using removal on my Transmuters. That's why the Whispersilk Cloaks are in there. Also, the mana curve is misleading because the object isn't to hardcast anything over five mana, but instead to transmute them into play with the Master Transmuter. The Sphinx Summunors and the Fabricates help me get what I need when I need it. Typically this deck has great synergy, it's only when I get mana screwed or mana overloaded (seems weird with a deck like this, but it's happened) that I don't have a chance. Getting mana screwed actually doesn't happen much with the sculptors and the borderposts, but sometimes I'll keep a starting hand with only two mana and a ponder, thinking I'll get more, and then it doesn't happen and I'm stuck at two mana for awhile. What this deck really struggles with is removal and control. I don't know how to keep from having my useful creatures pathed or bolted, and if I can't get creatures to stick early and have to rely on hardcasting my finishers, I'll lose quickly. What I'm really looking for are ways to protect the deck without losing the synergy by adding cards that don't really mesh well. That's one reason why I added the Canonist: she really shuts down Ally and Weenie decks (and Control to a lesser extent) because they're stuck playing one spell per turn, which prevents them from really overwhelming me early and allows me time to build up. She also provides a target for their removal so that they get used up before I play creatures they should have held the removal for. Oh, another reason for Whispersilk Cloak is to stall with Platinum Angel. They would have to destroy the cloak, and then the angel, in order to win the game. Thanks again for the comments!