Ya I figured hat you planed to pod Norn into play but I was thinking of the mana cost for t when I saw it. It's a good card but you would only be able to play it with the Pod. But I like how your deck looks now, but why is Melira in it since she prevent you from removing -1/-1 counters from your undying creatures?
Ya I think It will work really well. I kind of wondered why Norn was in there when I saw it.
Well you took Norn out but you could have run some self discard cards and elixer of imortality to put it and any other non green and black and already dead cards back into your library. Thats all I could think of though.
Nice deck thanks for the ideas on mine.
What about Grave Pact?
what about Darksteel Relic?
you could get glistering oil and put that on carnifax demon
you could add overeager apprentice so you can discard and get 3 black