Ha ha ha opps. I blanked that moment. Sorry.
If you plan on this being Standard, you won't be able to use Trading Post since it's From M14
Aiming for that God Booster Pack, yeah?
Just hope it doesn't take too much of his time. When I made my first deck, I researched for days looking to see what deck I should use, and what cards and play-styles I should place into it.
I agree that a white token deck is perfectly valid. I have seen white token decks be effective in what they do. Like you stated, his deck is scattered right now, and definitely needs more tuning. The fact that there only adequate detail about the deck and play-style, and since it got on the hot page, I wanted to give some opinion. Barracuda just needs to take some time to research cards for this deck. In a Modern format, there are so many possibilities to choose from, and can be fairly cheap.
Take it further and include [Tablet of the Guilds]. If you have multiple multicolored cards, 2 life per cast :)
From a quick look, need more consistent lifegain. Auras like [Unflinching Courage] and artifacts like [Loxodon Warhammer] are suggested. Look into it more :)Also like this deck, needs more consistency, not just multiple 1-of or 2-of...Perhaps some cheap ligegain cards such as [Heroes' Reunion] (only cost 2 mana for 7 life... wow :D) and [Heroes Remembered] (sure it has Suspend 10, but with a lifegain deck, you are pretty much stalling like with them [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes]). ***EDIT: You have Heroes Remembered in your sideboard. But fun to have one in your deck for the intense coundown to your lifegain :)
So, this is basically like a white weenie deck, but token like? From what you have so far, I'm not sure this deck seems efficient. For starters, you only have three power-up enchantments, which means you are less likely to draw them without any tutoring or drawing more cards. Should increase the number of enchantments you have for more likelihood of drawing them. If running tokens, [Intangible Virtue] is a good card to have for your tokens.On the subject of tokens, token decks really thrive in G/W decks, especially with the new populate mechanic and strong token generators in the recent blocks. Even if you're going for token generators with just white, you don't have the aggro to generate tokens and have a huge board presence, in terms of creatures. Sure you have [Increasing Devotion], but surviving to that point will be difficult when you only have creatures to defend you, and Red and Black decks (among others) can hurt you directly (e.g. Lightning Bolts and discards). Token decks are generally successful when you're aggressive, so you need to find ways to generate as much as you can early and in short amounts of times, and pump them with enchantments for maximum damage. White is known for its ability to stall and control. These cards may not suit this kind of deck but should be considered. Also, some card choices are... skeptical. Instead of [Court Street Denizen], I'd rather have a card like [Banisher Priest] as it offers more utility. Tap a creature? Why not exile? Instead of [Mikaeus, the Lunarch], I would rather have enchantments that pump your creatures. Creatures are much easier to kill than enchantments. There are a lot of cheap, but more effective cards that can work for your deck. Would look into more cards. Don't know if these are just cards you have currently, or not. My thoughts :)
If you are going for the life gain, consider Well of Lost Dreams. Like your previous deck, your deck is slow since you basically gain life each turn, and do nothing much else. This card will at least allow more presence on the field.
But it costs 2 more mana, and exiles instead of destroys, which Avacyn cannot be protected from.
If you want lifegain, I would recommend including green into your deck. Cards like Heroes' Reunion, Pelakka Wurm, Thragtusk, and Primeval Bounty off lifegain along with other bonuses.Having green may also compensate for the subpar offense you have. If you want to survive, you need to keep healing life. Otherwise, your opponent will slowly wither you down anyways. Of course there are other cards to consider, and I'm not sure if you even have these cards, but green would be a nice addition.
How about Goblin Electromancer? Lowers cost of instant and sorcery spells so you can play them even more.
I feel that you need more mana ramping cards. Gives you mana to play more cards, but more importantly thin out your deck you have a higher chance to draw the right cards. Sure you have a lot of ways to play your Eldrazi cards, but that chance isn't that high with such dependency you have on certain cards.
i suggest having some cards to defend you from damage while you get the mana and the right cards, especially in a situation where you lack mana. Perhaps cards like Dawn Charm and Holy Day might come in handy.
Swap Angel's Mercy with Heroes' Reunion. Same effect, but less mana (although it is multi-colored).