I'd be curious to know how often you lose simply because your opening hand is always full of just lands. 9 out of 10?
Also, +4 Isolated Chapel
Don't like the Aetherborn here. He's off-curve unless you opened with a Courtyard or Unclaimed Territory. I think Cast Out is a bit better, as it can hit anything, especially if the main reason you are using the aetherborn is to stall your opponent. Find a few spots for Champion of Dusk. Dropping your hand by turn 5, then redrawing a new one causes people to scoop. Nice sideboard. Also, I'd perhaps go -1 Shefet, -1 Swamp, +2 Ifnir Deadlands. Always nice having that option to taking out another creature, and you can still sacrifice the Deadlands to Shefet. That way you aren't losing a banner effect by sacc'ing Shefet.