the deck is a pretty fast paced deck, i usually take the agro side of a match. as for adding black, i have thought about it, but so far im liking the R/W combo
those are good ideas, i have shock in my side boards, and the Siege Mods use to be pretty prominent in my deck when i didnt run any creatures and just the modifications and start your engines... so add shock, take away a few siege mods, what else would you do... i am thinking on removing renegade wheelsmith, he is my least favorite... i only have him in because he is a cheap 3 attack that can grew any vehicles... i have the siege mods specificly for the Dreadoughts... and it kicks ass when it works. any advice is welcome, but so far i am very happy with this style of playingthis is my first deck i have built, i am only about 2 weeks into MTG
Thanks lol who doesnt love boarderlands
let me know what you all think or have any advice to make it better
Scooters "Catch a Ride"