
1 Deck, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

I see it now nevermind. didn't read all the cards sorry..

Posted 27 September 2009 at 11:34 as a comment on Severe Mana Abundance


Don't get the mana severance and crucible combo. One plays from the grave and one removes from the game. It doesn't work....There is no other land sac to this deck to have cards to play from the grave???

Posted 27 September 2009 at 11:32 as a comment on Severe Mana Abundance


Try putting in some noble hierarchs, rifiq of the many, and some dual lands. I used to have the empyrical archangel and the herald but seriously are you going to get it out in heads up tourney match? I never did, so I replaced it in my own bant deck. The stoic is a nice addition but I tried not to stray from the exalted ability or at least the untapped creature power of the knotvine. Also take a look at the knight of new alara with all the multi-color. Ajani is great as well. he replaces the stoic and give permanent 1/1 counters plus vigiliance. Allowing for lots of blockers. I added fogs to mine as well. They came in handy versus a time sieve deck a few times and the rightenous is a good surprise for one mana. Mark of asylum could help as well. Take a look at my bant deck. I put it up today it may help you. I think you are of to a good start. Stick with the theme and get rid of the non-exalted creatures. Just think with finest hour and rafiq you can deal four times the exalted power in one turn. That is huge when the opponent may not have flyers to go up against a battlegrace or aven. Plus you can gain the life!

Posted 26 September 2009 at 23:00 as a comment on Bant Exalted Deck, Suggestions Please
